Drunk Dial

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Megan's POV

I have no idea what time it is, but I went to bed at 11:30 after running out of things to do around the house. I did everything from the dishes and laundry to every bit of homework I could possibly do to take my mind off of all my feelings and thoughts, before deciding to give up and just go to sleep. I don't know how long it's been since I laid down, but I'm still laying here in the dark. All I can do is toss and turn trying to get comfortable in my bed without... No don't think it. I flip over on my stomach and shift around some pillows, hoping to get a little more comfort. Nope, still nothing. I really do miss him... It has only been since yesterday morning and I miss him more and more every minute we're apart.

I turn back over on my back, shuffling to the edge of the bed to pick up my tv remote off my nightstand. Maybe I'll just watch a little more Netflix. It might not help me fall asleep, but at least it will help me keep my mind off him. I feel lightly around on the nightstand for the remote, trying not to knock anything over. Damn it's dark in here. As soon as my hand finds the remote, my phone lights up beside it and Noah's name flashes across my screen.

BUZZ BUZZ BUZZ. I look at the time first, 1:07 A.M.? He hasn't called or texted since we talked yesterday on the phone... What is he calling for right now? This late? Maybe I should just ignore him... give him a taste of his own medicine. What medicine Megan? He said he had stuff to do, he hasn't been ignoring you. I really need to learn to control my negative thoughts, they can really get to me sometimes. Maybe I should just pretend like I'm asleep though. What if it's an emergency though? That could be why he is calling so late. He wouldn't call me though... Fuck, just answer it. I hit the accept button, while clicking on my lamp next to me.

"Noah? Are you okay?" I can't help but worry about him, I mean... I love him... And I care about him even if he doesn't have the same feelings for me. I scoot up farther onto my pillows, leaning against my headboard.

"Heyyyy beautiful..." He slurs the beginning of his sentence and pausing before adding the last part.

"I am... I am fucking great baby." Is he drunk?

"Noah, are you drunk?" I could feel a smirk tugging at my lips when he called me beautiful. It gets me every time. But for some reason the idea of him off somewhere this late, getting drunk and with only God knows who pushed the smirk back inside of me.

"Wellll... I might be just a little bit tipsy." He chuckled out. I rolled my eyes. He isn't a little tipsy, from what it sounds like he is drunk as hell. I can hear his heavy breathing through the phone. Damn, he really is drunk. He speaks up again, hiccuping before he does.

"Fuck, I can't stop thinking about you." He groans. His words make me sit up straight in my bed, clutching the phone tighter to my ear. He what?

"What?" I ask in a hushed tone. Loud enough for him to hear me, but he completely ignores my question. Why does he do that? Says something that makes my heart feel like it's going to stop and then just acts like he never even said it.

"I wish you were here right now. Mmmm, the things I would do to you if you were..." Almost every word out of his mouth now was partly slurred. Oh jeez. Is that why he's calling me? He is drunk and horny... A damn booty call? I hope not... Well I guess it's not really a booty call if we are together. Is it? Usually I would welcome this kind of talk, but I just feel like somethings off.

"Are you okay?" I don't want to get frustrated with him. And he's drunk, but I just want to know what is going through that mind of his. And I kind of want to know where he is... Is that too clingy of me? I don't know how this shit works, I've never cared this much about a guy before. I want to ask, but I don't.

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