Chapter 14

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Nova's POV: When I woke up next, my head pounded and my mouth was dry. 

     Sitting up, the pulsating in my head increased. The world spun.  

     Collapsing back to the floor, Zivon wandered my mind. He's probably on the way to get me now. He will come walking through the door at any moment, picking me up and telling me everything will be okay. 

     I don't know if I will survive long enough for him to get to me, and I'm worried he will get hurt trying to save me. I would never forgive myself for that. 

     The door creaked open, and I allowed myself to sink back into darkness.

Zivon's POV: When I woke up next, my head pounded and my mouth was dry. 

     I felt like I was supposed to be remembering something, maybe someone, but I couldn't. A nurse walked towards me, compassion on her pale face. 

     "Hello Mr. Stransky, how are you feeling," she said, not seeming to care for a response. She rummaged around the room, she seemed like a blur of blonde hair. 

     Confusion racked my mind, and I remembered. I had an accident. I was driving with whiskey. I was trying to drown out something...

     Feliks walked in through the blindingly white door, and the nurse began trying to push him out. 

     "We have a location on Nova," he said, pushing past the annoying blonde. 

     "Who's Nova?" I asked, I was very confused. I felt like I should know the name, as if my mind demanded I remember it. I didn't remember though, no matter how much I tried. 

     Fear spread across Feliks' face. "Who am I," he asked. What a stupid question. 

     "Feliks," I stated. The fear on his face remained, and I was even more confused. Shouldn't he be relieved?

     "Do you remember the girl you've spent the last month and a half with?"

     I laughed. "Please Feliks, I never stay with a girl for more than one night," I continued laughing. 

     Feliks fled the room, and I called after him. I urged my body to get up, but the IV's stopped me. 

     Who ever this little Nova is, I don't care about her. I don't remember her, and honestly I don't care to.

     So what if we "have a location on her". I won't send my men to go hunt her down. Naive little girl, I don't want her unless she's of use to me. 

     Maybe she was my fiance or something. It doesn't matter I lost her, I'll just find another one.

     I began drifting off to sleep, and it hit me. I remembered what I had forgotten. It felt like such a huge relief, how could I have ever forgotten? 

     I forgot to call Carter back for the Horhe ammo. I need to do that soon.


Nova's POV: It's been four days now. 

     I began counting days when I realized they give me one water bottle and 2 slices of bread everyday. 

     I'm weak, and quite literally starving. I find myself cursing under my breath every time I wake up, wishing I could just die already.

     Today when the guard I've come to know as Cooper came in to give me water and bread, I asked him to shoot me. He looked at my with sadness in his eyes, and slowly shook his head no. 

     I laid my head on the harsh floor, my body shaking from the coldness of this cement cube I'm caged in. 

     I closed my eyes, finding a pocket of peace in my thoughts of Zivon. A thunder erupted though the air, rumbling through me, leaving a shudder in my chest. 

     I knew that sound. It was gunfire. Was Zivon finally here for me? After moments of gunfire, the cells door flew open. 

     Cooper walked in, unshackling me and picking me up bridal style. 

     It felt like my left leg was so light. Without the shackle holding it down, it felt free. I began to swing it through the air, enjoying the feeling.

     The gunfire ceased, and I was set on the ground as Feliks rounded the corner of the hallway. I stumbled to him, falling into his arms as he held me up.

     The next thing I saw was daylight. Blinding daylight that I hadn't seen in so long. I wanted to enjoy it, to take in my freedom. It was just to bright. It hurt my eyes, shooting pain through my skull. 

     Feliks opened a car door, laying me on the backseat. Shutting my door, he got into the drivers seat and began to drive. 

     "Where's Zivon," I murmured. My voice was raspy, and I didn't know if he would understand me.

     "You'll see him soon," his voice was off. Some type of pity lingered in it, but I was to tired to grasp it. 

     Closing my eyes, I couldn't wait to tell Zivon how I never wanted to leave his side again. To tell him I'd never leave him again. To tell him he meant more to me than he would ever know. 


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