I Love You

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Chris walked in the door and was about to punch in the alarm when he noticed it was off.

"Casey?" he shouted heading deeper into the house. He saw her panicked on the bed, was that panic? Nerviousness?

"H-hey." she squeaked.

"Is everything alright?"

"Uh.. Yeah. Fine... uhm. Listen we need to talk."

"Yeah, I agree. Did you know the alarm was off?"

"Oh, no I thought it was on...'

"Notice anything weird?" she looked away and shook her head. She was lying. he could tell as she wouldnt make eye contact. She was acting like any guilty perp he's seen.

"But.. uhm... I justed wanted to talk." she patted next to her on the bed. Chris sat on the edge.

"Casey... Don't hide anything from me. Are you okay?" She bit her lip and looked away again. This girl was defiantly hiding something.

"Yeah, I'm fine Chris."

"Casey, you're lying, I can tell." He confronted and her eyes darted away. Guilty. Guilty. Guilty. But what is she guilty of?

"No every things fine... promise." He leaned forward and wrapped his arms around her. He buried his face in her neck and she hugged back.

"You have a hickey." He whispered, "Where is he?" Casey pulled back, wided eyed. That's why he hugged her. To get closer.

'He left." she said, her bottom lip quivering.

"Casey I'm sorry I wasn't here. Are you okay?"

"Yes... I'm alright. I dont want to talk about it. you better leave." of course she didnt want to admit it was consensual. Of course she didnt want to admit to protecting him.

"Casey I'm here to protect you. I know you have... complicated feelings for him. Its basically Stockholm syndrome. But he cant come and go as he pleases and use you when he wants. Hes going to kill you one of these days, just like he did all those other girls. He needs to be put away. He needs to pay for what he did to you, and the others."

"Please stop." she whispered.

"No casey, you have to listen to me. I am here to protect you, you need more help then just me. Maybe a really good therapist. Maybe we can get you out of the house."

"Dennis doesn't like you." she whispered. "He wants to hurt you."

"Do you want to hurt me?"

"I don't, dennis does..."

"So if you do not want to hurt me, then you'll have to help me catch him."

"I don't know if I can." she whispered

"Honey, you can. I'm not asking you to hunt him down, just let me know when hes here, all you have to do is call me. I promise we won't hurt him." Chris felt weird about lying to Casey. He felt worse about her caring for him too. He's here protecting her, at least trying, and she doenst realize what a dangerous game shes playing with him.

"I.. I guess I can."

"Casey, you don't love him. You may think you do because of things he's said, or done. Maybe the fact he comes back for you. You feel... important? loved? Wanted? special? Maybe all of those things. Maybe more, but I can do that for you, casey, I can give you everything you want. I just want you to be safe. You are not safe with him, you never will be. He can snap at any moment and kill you... "

"yeah you're right." she said solemly. "I know you can give me everything... I don't know why I want... loved him so much."

"It's not love casey. It's fear."

"But I dont think I am afraid."

"Thats because you probably think he wont hurt you as long as you do what he says. Better chance at survival if you give in. Thats Stockholm syndrome, casey. It's not love."

"You're right. I don't know why I've been so stupid." She thought about everything that's happened.

"youre not stupid casey. Youre sooo smart. You just did.. do what you have to survive."

"I guess." casey shifted around awkwardly and wrapped her arms around her torso. She felt exposed. He was telling her the truth, and it was everything she didnt want to hear.

"I love you casey." he said as he pushed her hair behind her ear. She smelled of sweat and sex. He understood what happened. He didn't like it. He really cant understand what shes going through, or why she does what that man says. Casey's sick. Shes afraid. She truly cant love him until Dennis is gone. Chris wanted to be the only thing on her mind. He had to get rid of him, for good this time.

(My lord I'm back. I have not abandoned you all, I'm sorry for the late delay. But we are nearing THE END. I'm thinking two more chapters. Something real long to really get yah stressin. Thank you all for sticking in there, and I have not seen the second movie yet. Keep in mind this was started before I even heard of a second movie. So I apologize if things dont match to movie 2. I love you all. )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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