warming up to him

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It's been weeks with Dennis.  I could tell he wasn't naturally bald.  Ever since he took me here he had some fuzz growing in.   He's always had a little bit of hair here.   He must have shaved alot before.   His hair was short, but still there.   Now his hair must have been about an inch long.   It looked nice.  

I was curled up on one end of the couch.   Waiting for Dennis to come home.  I woke up and he was gone.   I wanted him here.  Not because I love him, but if he's here then he can't grab any more girls.    He probably went out for more groceries.  Last time he went he didn't get much.  He was in a rush.  He didn't trust me alone with those girls.   It's been a couple weeks since I told those girls I'd save them.   I still bring them food three times a day and water about six times a day.    I bring them clothes.   Anything I can find really.   Books, magazines, games for two, like card games.    I thought about them.  I needed to help them and I still haven't figured out how. 

The door flew open and Dennis came in.  Possibly Dennis.  He was switching back and forth.   I wasn't going to talk to him like this.  He was talking to himself.    Dennis then Patricia then Dennis.   He seemed upset. He saw me and got quiet and mumbled something about the new Girls. I got worried.  Did he grab more girls?

"I'll go help with groceries." I stated and went out to the car.  He left the door open.  It's not like I could run right now, I have those girls to think about.   I went to the car and looked in the back.   Phew.   Thank god, no more girls.  I grabbed some bags and carried them in.   I set them on the table and started to put stuff away.   I noticed Dennis picked up some odd items.   A razor.  Hair dye.  A couple bags of clothes.   Not just food.    I set those items aside for him.  

Dennis came back in.  Just Dennis.  Him and the bags.  I could tell because he was up straight,  and not talking to himself.    

"Honey, I'm home." He stated dryly.  I'm sure it was in attempts to be cute but lovey dovey isn't his strong suit.  

"Hey." To recap in the past two weeks I've taken on more chores in order to gain his trust.  Not only that we've slept together countless times.   Not to mention the hand stuff and mouth stuff I've did to him and he's done to me.  Along with that I got conversations.  He's opened up to me.  More and more each day.  I think he's really starting to trust me, to belive me when I say I want to be there.  I want to be with him.   "Dennis... I heard you say something about girls.  New girls.  You're not gonna take more are you?" I asked softly walking up to him and set my hands gently on his chest. 

"I have to, casey, this is something I need to do.  The beast is going to redeem them.   Everything will be fine.   They will be pure when he's done with them." He said and kissed the top of my head.  I slipped my arms around his built frame and set my head on his chest.  

"Dennis can we just go?  Just you and me.   Forget about the others.   About the beast.   Just you and me, baby.  I don't want to worry about others.  About taking care of them.  I just want you." I said to his and rubbed his muscular back.   He seemed to tense up when I talked. 

"Casey.  This isn't a discussion." He said sternly.   I squeezed him tighter.   He softly petted my hair. 

"Dennis.   Please.  I want it to only be you and me." I begged. 

"No." He said angrily.  He lightly pushed me away from him.   He grabbed the other bags that weren't groceries.   He opened the new razor and put batteries and it made a slight buzzing noise.   "Help me shave my head." He said clicking it off and handing it to me.  He opened a package with a plastic cape and wrapped it around himself.    He sat down in a chair near me. 

"No." I said trying to be stern.  I walked over and petted his soft hair. "I like it Dennis.   Please can you keep it? I like it.   You look cute with it."

"Was I not cute before?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Cuter.  I like it. Please." Maybe I could win one battle with him. 

"Fine." He huffed and stood up and ripped off his plastic cape and tossed it in the trash.  

"Why did you buy hair dye?" I asked.   He was planning on shaving so why die it. 

"That's for you." He said like it was suppose to be obvious. 

"I don't wanna dye my hair." I said as my eyebrows furrowed into disdain.

"Not a discusion." I chucked his new razor at him from where I was.  I could see him get angry.  

"Yes it is! It's my body! It's my hair! I like it." I was getting angry too.   "What did you see some girl out and about.   You follow a blonde home today? You want her too?   Tired of me already? Changing my hair color won't change how you feel." I shouted at him.  

"I would like to be able to take you out side.  Seeing as how everyone is looking for you a change in hair color would help." He hissed. 

"Then ask me first... tell me that you want to take me out.  You can't command me to dye my hair." I said quietly.   I set the box down.  He was still mad.   I put my arms out to high him.  That was stupid of my I know better than to fight him.   One step forward and two steps back.  I get what I want then manage to fuck it up. 

"I don't have to ask you.  I tell you, casey." He said and stepped into my arms and I hugged him.  

He smiled a bit at me.  

"I can't stay mad at you casey.  You're too cute." He said and grabbed my hand and pulled me to the living room couch.   He tugged me down to sit with him an put on the tv.  He sat up straight like always as I sat next to him.   I slowly moved to lay down and put my head in his lap.  He set his hand on my side. 

I thought about him.   His hair.  His eyes.   Right now he's mine and for some reason I actually liked it.  I've grown attached to him. I still know he's sick and crazy.   I know he is, but I like him sometimes. I honestly would hate to see anything bad happen to him.   I hope when he gets caught he gets help, not prisons.  A mental hospital, yes, anything else, no.  I want him to get help.  I'd probably visit him when he's all better.  Of course it would be kevin then.  Not dennis.   I bet I'd like kevin.  I'd warm up to him like I did Dennis.  

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