Part 14

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I wanted to scream but I couldn't. I started flailing my arms and legs hoping to hit the person that was pinning me to the bed.

"Be still you dimwit."a voice said. I immediately recognised the figure in the dark as my father. I stopped fighting back and he released his hold on my mouth.

"What are you doing here?" I said breathlessly.

"I came to remind you of what you must do tomorrow."he said, his breath leaving a musky smell hanging in the air.

"I will marry Jonathan as is required of me."

"Oh I have no doubt. Yet, I do doubt your ability and will to please your husband as you should do primarily on your wedding night. "

My heart sank at the thought of what I would have to do.

"I have said it before and will say it again now.  The wellbeing of your sisters is riding on whether you can give the Clairvolts an heir and if you fail to do so you will pay along with your sisters. Am I clear?"

"Yes." was all I could manage to say before he was gone.

The day that followed that restless night arrived.  After a hot bath, Blair along with some other maids helped me put on the wedding gown.  Then as Blair did my hair in a style that would complement the dress, another maid prepared the jewelry I was to wear. The necklace that I was supposed to wear was lovely with a dainty pendant that simmered in the sunlight however, I decided to swap it for the necklace Jonathan had given me. Wearing it always made me feel as though it brought me closer to him and there was no better occasion to wear it than my wedding day.

Once my veil was pinned in place and the bridesmaids lined up behind me to carry the endless train, my father came to my room to guide me to the chapel of the mansion where the ceremony would take place. 

"You certainly look like a wife. Now act like one too."he whispered before we set off to the chapel. I fought the urge to roll my eyes at him.


As we walked through the garden, I looked up at the sapphire sky.  A gentle breeze would momentarily make the grass dance and the branches sway.  The birds chirped overhead as we passed by the winter garden. It was truly the perfect day in every possible way... if only Jonathan could love me back.

Three girls with golden curls dressed in white dresses were lined up outside the main entrance to the chapel with baskets of flower petals. As father and I approached, a page directed them to enter the chapel. My heart sank as I heard the organ starting to play. I could hardly believe that my wedding day had arrived. It had always seemed so distant yet here I was about to take my last walk as an unmarried woman. Unconsciously, I tightened my grip on father's arm slightly before we walked inside the chapel.
The guests rose to their feet as I walked down the aisle. As soon as my eyes adjusted to the dark interior of the chapel, I could see Jonathan was up at the altar, standing tall beside the Bishop and his witness.
When I finally arrived at the altar, Jonathan stepped forward to lift the veil over my face and then we both knelt down onto the kneelers.

The first part of the ceremony was a blur to me. I was petrified that I would ruin the day in some way and have my father hang me for being such a disgrace.  I tried my best to stay focused and recite the ceremonial prayers until it was time for the exchanging of the rings. 

"Do you, Lord Jonathan George Mason Clairvolt  take Lady Alyssa Bethany Marie Crowbain to be your wedded wife in the eye of God and the law?" A dreadful silence followed until Jonathan opened his mouth and said "I do."

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you Lady Alyssa Bethany Marie Crowbain take Lord Jonathan George Mason Clairvolt to be your wedded husband in the eye of God and the law?"

"I do." I said in a timid voice.  From the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Lady Florentina storming out of the church and I couldn't help but grin silently. Once Jon and I had exchanged the rings, the Bishop said a quick prayer.

"I now prounce you man and wife.  You may kiss the bride."

Jonathan approached me and swept me up in his arms and kissed me as a husband kisses his wife. I wholeheartedly kissed him back and for that moment I did not think of how he was only acting that he loved me but believed him with all my might.

The feast was wonderful. The Clairvolts even included recipes from back home in the menu which made me remember the good old days when I was young and carefree and father was not a gambler.

After the last course was served, the ballroom was opened for the commencement of the dancing festivities. Jonathan led me to the centre of the room which was decorated with white roses, ribbons and silk bows to match the wedding theme of the day. As soon as the orchestra started to play, Jon and I started to dance. This time round, Jonathan seemed much more eager to dance with me than before and with every twirl or spin, he would smiled at me which made my heart stop each time. Smiling truly suited him, yet he rarely seemed to do it when in my company.

After a couple of more dances, Lord Esteban invited me to join him on the dancefloor for a Scottish Country Dance. As we walked towards the other couples who were waiting for the music to start, I spotted Lady Florentina. She was hurriedly making her way through the crowd towards Lord Jonathan who was making small talk with some guests. Instantly, I tore out of Lord Esteban's grip and started pushing through all the lords and ladies in my way towards my husband.  Lady Florentina could have stolen Jonathan from me on any other day, but I would forbid her to do so on my wedding day. Just before she could reach him, I took his hand in mine and led him onto the dance floor with me.

"What on Earth are you doing?"he chuckled just before the music started.

"I'm in a mood for dancing."I just said as we started the routine. I could not stop beaming to see a furious Lady Florentina watching us from the sidelines. After all,  this was my time to shine.


That evening, after the men had finished playing cards in the parlour and the women had exchanged enough gossip about the latest fashion and the front runners for the upcoming social season to last them months, I was up in my room. An important night was ahead of me and Blair was helping me to get ready.

"Are you sure I cannot get you anything?" she asked me after I dismissed her.

"I am sure." I replied.

"Alright. Have a good night my dearest."she said before slipping away into the shadow-filled corridor. I sat at my dresser and listened as the last footsteps of the chamber maids raided the corridors for the night.  All went silent then, except for the whistle of the wind coming through the window left ajar.

Suddenly, the candle was blown out and I felt the darkness swallow me whole.

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