Part 7

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As the pages saw Jon and I approaching the banquet hall, they opened the grand doors in perfect unison and the bugles started to play to announce our arrival. The hall was overflowing with guests and my eyes quickly spotted my sisters, all seated next to each other at the table at the very back of the hall. I turned my head towards Jon to see him looking at Lady Florentina who had that flirtatious smile on her face.

"So much for acting in love..."I thought to myself.
The Earl then rose to his feet, his goblet in hand.

"I would like to propose a toast on this very special occasion where two families who have had several disagreements in the past will overcome their differences and unite as one through the marriage of a son and daughter; Jonathan George Mason Clairvolt and Alyssa Bethany Marie Crowbain." He paused to catch his breath and Jon immediately squeezed my hand. I turned my head to face him and unexpectedly, he planted a kiss on my cheek. I was dazed and that was when I spotted my parents. Mother wore a look of guilt on her face whereas father seemed very pleased with this display of affection between his own daughter and his creditor's son.

"I would like for you all, family, friends and distinguished guests, to join me by raising your glasses to this toast to health and prosperity in the marriage of these two lovers."

Two servers quickly brought out two silver goblets on a tray and offered them to us. Then, one of Jon's pages tied our wrists together and as everyone drank from their glasses, we drank from each other's goblets as a symbol of our unity. Then the people cheered and the banquet began. Jon and I were to be sat down with our parents. Provided that my father and Lord Clairvolt could not sit directly next to each other so as to avoid any arguments, I ended up sitting between the two jolliest men in my life; my unloving husband-to-be and my father. To my greatest disappointment, my sisters were isolated on a table of their own so I would have little chance to speak to them.

The music was playing but we had all been eating in silence for a while, when the Countess broke the silence.

"What a lovely necklace you're wearing. I don't recall seeing you with it when I came to your room earlier."she said with a smile.

"Oh yes. Lord Jonathan gave it to--"

"Enough with the titles, we are bethroted after all."said Jon stepping in the conversation. He winked at me and pecked me on the cheek. I blushed at that moment and had to force my jaw not to drop in awe. It seemed as though Jon would switch from being an arse to being a gentleman in seconds.

"If I were you I would not give her the luxury to call you by your first name. She is a woman; ignorant and stupid in nature... you might as well name your horse after her."blabbed my father, taking frequent sips of wine. Before I had the chance to react, the Earl responded.

"Well my son is not like you and certainly never will be."he stated, his eyes never breaking contact with my father's.

"I am only advising him how to be a strong leader."added my father.

"Not you or anyone will tell my son how to run his estate and certainly not how to treat his wife." The words escaped his mouth like a growl. "Have you any idea how miserable your daughter was until she arrived here?"

"My daughter? Miserable? The only miserable thing is that my daughter is in love with a dead boy who instead of drawing his sword, tried to bring peace with words."he laughed. The Earl rose to his feet in anger and my father followed.

"Watch carefully what you say about my son!"yelled the Earl, his voice booming across the dining hall.

Immediately all remaining four of us sitting at the table rose to calm them down. Once we had persuaded them to forget this argument, the Countess proposed that Jon and I lead the guests to the ballroom where we would perform our first dance as betrothed. We rose to our feet and with the sound of bugles, everyone put down their forks and spoons and followed us to the ballroom.

The music started to play and after bowing to each other, I placed one of my hands on his shoulder and placed my other hand in his. My heart sank as he slipped his hand around my waist and pulled me closer. Then we started to dance. I was surprised to have remembered every step just as the dance instructor had done it and thankfully, I managed not to step on Jon's toes for that would make him dislike me even further.

As the banquet progressed, during a change of partners I saw Pauline motioning me to go talk to her. Instead of twirling towards the man who would be my new partner, I twirled out of the dance area and bumped clumsily into my sister. Giggling, I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room and up to my chamber. As soon as we entered the room, Pauline started roaming freely, absorbing everything in. I shut the door quietly and immediately rushed to hug her. She instantly pushed me away.

"We shan't hug. It will wrinkle your dress and 'tis too beautiful to be ruined."she suggested.

"But I haven't seen you in so long!"I whined.

"I've missed you too much."she said with a gleaming smile. "Oh and what a precious necklace you have!"she said before quickly approaching me to see the necklace that hung around my neck. "Tis like nothing I have seen! Who gave it to you?"

"Jonathan."I said.

"Ah, he is so handsome Alyssa."she smiled.

"Yes."I said immediately remembering how cold he is around me.

"He loves you very much."

"Excuse me?"I said.

"Yes, have you seen how he looks at you?"she asked. I made eye contact with her for a few seconds, long enough to notice a sadness in her eyes.

"Pauline? Are you alright?"I asked hesitantly.

"Mother was right."she said. I walked towards her but she ran to the other side of the room.

"What are you saying?"

"You are so selfish and ungrateful!"she screamed.

"What?"I asked feeling utterly puzzled.

"Do not dare deny it."she yelled. "You found the man of your dreams and he was taken away from you. Now you have been given a second chance with another respectable man and you are so ungrateful for it!"

"No-"I said. "You do not understand."

"Leave me alone!"she yelled as she ran out of the room. I followed her. As soon as she noticed, she stopped in her tracks and turned towards me.
"I looked up to you for fifteen years. You were always my big sister. I loved you and I thought you loved me too but then, you left and abondoned me."she was in tears now.

"Pauline, you have to let me explain. Father threatened to marry you off to a man of his choosing if I did not marry Jonathan. I did this willingly for your sake."

"Oh so now I am to blame?!"she cried.

"No, I am not finished."

"Well I am."she scowled and she ran off. "Do not follow me!"

I watched her as she ran down the corridor and disappeared down the stairs. That was the day I began to hate my parents.

Legends From The Highlands: Love-LockedWhere stories live. Discover now