Part 2

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His eyes were ember and his hair was dark and ruffled. His skin was tanned unlike that of his brother, and his chin and cheeks were covered with day-old stubble.

"Jon, this is Lady Alyssa of Cheffield; the woman you will wed in a couple of months." introduced his father; the Earl. I watched as Jonathan went up the steps and with a piercing gaze fixed onto my eyes, took my hand in his and planted a soft kiss on it.

"'Tis my pleasure Lady Alyssa." said Jonathan, his eyes still absorbing my every movement.

"As is mine."I said as my cheeks blushed.

"I do believe that my son would like to bathe before dinner..." added the Earl to break the tense silence.

"Yes." Jonathan bowed curtly and he set off into the house.

Later, we were all gathered in the summer dining room and several dishes lay on the table before us. 

"How do you like the food dear?" asked Lady Estelle as she cut a slice of pork and placed it carefully on her plate.

"It's delicious."I said politely.  "I was actually wondering-"

"Deer ragout is served!" announced the head waiter of the household as a group of five waiters hustled around the room with silver trays and wine goblets to refill our glasses. After the dish was served and the waiters retired to the kitchen, Lady Estelle spoke up.

"I believe you were about to say something Alyssa?"she smiled and everyone's attention, including my father's, turned to me.

"Uh... yes. I, I just happened to find it rather odd that after almost two years of being betrothed to Arthur, may he rest in peace, I still had never met Lord Jonathan." I explained.  "I know it is not necessarily my business to know..." I remarked as soon as I saw my father clench his jaw at my  unexpected remark.

"Oh, think nothing of it my dear." began Lady Estelle.  "Our Jon was simply studying at a prestigious academy in Spain for the past three years and had to return here immediately after his brother's untimely death to take his place."

"Preparation to become an Earl is essential and I do fear that once you are wed, I will resign from my position and let my son take on my duties." I could see Jon's face blush as his father spoke. I expected him to say something but he just pushed his food around the silver plate and never again did he take another bite.

Later that evening my father and the Earl and countess left me in Lord Jonathan's company over a game of chess. Once I had blocked his final chesspiece he forfeit and suggested a walk along the gardens. 

"I haven't been beaten at chess since I last played with my uncle William before he was killed while on martial duty."Jonathan said as we strolled towards the greenhouse.

"It is very peaceful here. At home, our mansion is in the heart of town and it is nowhere near as quiet as here."I said in order to break the everlasting silence.

"Listen."Jonathan said before pausing for a few moments.  "I know we are meant to be husband and wife... but I am not the man you'd want to wed."he said and looked at me hoping I would say something. However I remained silent.  "I slept with hundreds of girls from all over the world when I was still in Spain but I could never bring myself to feel anything other than lust towards them. Therefore, I know it will not change for you."

"Then what do you suggest?"I blurted as he paused to catch his breath.

"I know there is no way out of this marriage. So, I propose that we go on and get married.  You will bear me a child to ensure an end to the feud between our families and you will raise him or her. " he said with a satisfied look on his face.

"And... what will you do?"I asked.

"You are a smart one." he smirked.  "I will be your Earl, which is in itself, a great enough load for a man like me. Of course, I will be present for our child's milestones in life but you mustn't think I will in any way display any kind of affection that a husband usually displays during married life."he stated.  I stared at him in disbelief.  How could anyone be so rude? He could have at least pretended to care about this marriage while in my presence! I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my mind but was cut off by Lady Estelle's shrill voice calling us to go join her across to the trick fountains.

Later that evening I was in my chamber sitting at the dresser while Blair carefully brushed my hair. 

"Thank you."I muttered. "You are dismissed for the night." Blair slowly nodded and just as she was about to leave the room, a knock on the door was heard.  Blair opened the door on my approval to reveal my father.

"May I speak to my daughter alone?"he asked in a rough manner.

"Yes, Blair... leave us!"I commanded as I looked into her soft eyes. She opened the door further and slid past my father who closed the door firmly once she was out of sight.

"What do you wish to speak to me about?"I asked as I let out a yawn.

"You will listen to me very carefully..." he began as he got dangerously close to me. "I meant what I said about you being forbidden to return back to Sheffield, that is, unless you visit with Lord Jonathan."

"You MONSTER!"I screamed and in the blink of an eye my father had me pinned to the bed. My eyes widened as he took off his belt and landed the strap on my left arm.  I started crying and screaming even louder as he continued to hit me.  Then he aimed the buckle towards my cheek but before he could strike, a frantic knocking sounded on the door.

Legends From The Highlands: Love-LockedΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα