Part 6

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The engagement banquet quickly arrived and I found myself in my room surrounded by my hand-maidens who were all busy fitting my dress and fixing my hair.  I took a moment to look at my reflection in the mirror. I was dressed in a pale pink dress with a lace manteau that trailed on the floor behind me. Blair was carefully pinning roses to my locks of curly hair when a knock was heard on the door. One of the other maids opened the door to reveal Countess Estelle. She was wearing a dark blue satin dress with a jewelled neckline.

"Oh dear, you look radiant."she smiled as she embraced me.

"Thank you and so do you."I said politely. 

"Your family has arrived Alyssa. Your father asked to see you but I told him you will see no-one."

"Thank you m'lady."I said.  Lady Estelle knew me better than anyone. She knew exactly what I liked and did not like. She had become such a loving guardian to me, just like a mother. 

"I have to say, Jon will not be able to keep his eyes off you."she whispered sweetly.

"Well... had I been Florentina I would have agreed."I chuckled.

"Oh trust me my dear. Florentina hasn't got a thing on you... only excessive pride and confidence."she began. "True that she may get along with Jon more than you but she has a sense of superiority; something that I know Jon cannot stand."

I let out an unconvincing sigh.

"Believe me. Jon would be foolish to choose her over you. You have no idea how many times he--"

Someone knocked on the door  and the same maid from before quickly attended to it. Lord Jonathan walked in.

"May I have a word with Lady Alyssa?"he said bluntly.

"Of course dear son. Come on let us leave them in peace."clapped Lady Estelle and all the maids rushed out of the room closing the door behind them.

My head felt light and so I sat down on the stool and rested my hand on the drawer.

"Lady um... Alyssa... I know that today we must swear our eternal love to one another and promise to stay true to each other..." Each word he pronounced gave me goosebumps. 
"You know that I barely know you yet I will go on with this marriage to ensure my father's happiness, hence I ask that we try to let today's events run as smoothly as possible. "

"You had any doubts I would not?"I asked as I looked at my hands.

"No, but I am requesting that you act as though you are in love with me."he said.  "I will do the same with you "

I took a deep breath.

"Of course my lord. I will do as you ask." He walked closer to me and placed a delicate box on my dresser.

"Open it. 'Tis my engagement gift yo you."he said.  I carefully opened the box to find a mesmerising diamond necklace inside, glimmering in the rays of sun coming through the window.

"'Tis beautiful."I stated. I reached behind my neck to put it on, when his hand firmly grabbed my wrist. We stared at one another at that moment.  It was so rare that we touched that the feeling was odd and raw. I glanced up at him and his eyes met mine and during that split second, I knew I was falling for him.

"Allow me."he added as he took the necklace from my hand and put it on me. I stared at our reflection in the mirror before he offered me his arm and we walked out of the room, headed to the festivities.

Legends From The Highlands: Love-LockedWhere stories live. Discover now