The Pawn | Chapter Six [Mnemophobia]

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[Chapter Six]


Mnemophobia – Fear of memories


Forty-five minutes after Jay and I hung up he showed up at my door looking irritated and tired. He gave me an apologetic look and held up a blindfold. However, before I could argue he started talking.

"I know you don't want to wear it, but it's part of Faux's deal. It was hard enough to convince him to let you work on our computers. Please, Ainsley, just this one time."

I shook my head and pushed down the fear. "No Jay, it won't be once, I'll have to wear it to get back to the room. I don't think you understand my situation. Is there something you are deathly afraid of? Something you have a strong memory attached to? That's how it is with me and blindfolds. Think of Lisa and all the things she could do to me involving a blindfold...I guarantee you it's happened. Sometimes more than once. I can't put it on."

He grimaced, giving me a pitying look. I didn't want his pity; I wanted him to understand my situation. I couldn't put it on, not without having a major break down. "Ainsley, I'll be with you the entire time. Nothing is going to happen. You have to trust me. I promise."

"It's not that simple," I said quickly. "You can promise me all sorts of things, but it won't make a difference. You don't think Lisa promised me I wouldn't get hurt? Or that putting on the blindfold wouldn't be as bad as last time? Yet every time, a little more of me died." I hugged myself and looked away from him. "I don't know what she was trying to accomplish, but she managed to instill a deep-seated fear within me that will be nearly impossible to get rid of. I'm sorry."

Jay stepped closer to me, moving slowly as he reached out to place a hand on my shoulder. "Ainsley, we need your help. It has almost been an hour since you delayed the hacking. Faux was nearly impossible to convince, don't give up now. We need you. I need you to help. Please. Trust me. I'm not Lisa."

His one hand resting on my shoulder burned through my shirt and warmed my skin. I was fighting against the comfort that small touch gave me, but it was hard to ignore the pulsing heat. "Jay..." I started to say, but he cut me off.

"Trust me," he repeated in a low voice.

"How long is the trip going to be? How many elevators will we be in? Will we walk by people? Will you be talking to me the entire time? Am I—" Jay covered my mouth and smiled tightly at me.

"Shut up," he commanded. I glared at him and let out a muffled curse, but he didn't remove his hand. I mumbled something against his hand and he gave me an odd look. "What was that?" he asked.

I licked his hand, grinning when he snatched it away with a horrified look. "I said, 'move your hand or I'll lick it', duh."

Wiping his hand on his pants with a dignified yet disgusted look, he held out the blindfold with his other hand. "Do we have an agreement? It was take about 5 minutes or so to get there. We'll be going downstairs and I will talk to you the entire time, with my hand on your arm. Alright?"

Hesitating, I eyed the offensive scrap of cloth and steeled myself for hell. "Fine," I said, giving a heavy sigh.

Jay handed me the blindfold and slowly walked behind me. He patiently waited for me to raise the cloth up to cover my eyes, placing a hand on my shoulder to let me know that he was there. Shaking slightly, I lifted the thick black blindfold and slowly covered my eyes, trying to remind myself that I was not with Lisa, this was Jay, and he would protect me and keep me safe. However, as soon as I was engulfed in darkness and felt the soft abrasion of cloth on my skin, the torturous memories came flooding in:

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