Phantom and Night chap 8

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He grab my hand and drag me. We were in a huge mall. It wasn't that crowded and what's weird is that e everyone we passed would stop and bow at us. They have smiles on their faces and some would whisper to each other as we pass by. Some would just look, stop, bow and then continue walking. Were they all vampires?

"Don't mind them Warren. Not all of them are vampires though. Some are just human like you. Rich and influential humans that can be useful to us. Negotiating with businesses and stuff. We don't have business just within our kind. Our businesses are in your kind. The human world."

I nod and walk next to him. I look at him and he has only a slight smile on as he tighten his hold on my hand. Something tells me he was aiming for his usual poker face but he can't stop smiling when he's with me. That made me smile too. He saw that and he smiled back at me. His air of authority and power faded as he did. He's not the rich or the powerful vampire when he's with me. He's just Liam that's what I was proud of. He's just Liam with me. Few days passed and Liam told me what he was. He was some kind of head in the vampire council and he owns lots of business and his family is rich to begin with. He doesn't tell me much. He'll talk when I eye stuff in his office with curiosity. He knows when I become curious. Liam can read me very well. I'm like an open book to him. Which is embarrassing.

I spoke his name before.. when - we sorta - kissed. Well make out really. Since then he was more protective and never leave me alone. He'll take me wherever he goes and never let anyone touch me. When Marco glared at me when he went by the office, Liam screamed at him and he apologized. That's his brother too. Liam's like that and weirdly I don't mind. He never even push me to speak again.

How can he do things so easily to make me fall for him more?

We went to the a restaurant and we ate. He'll cut my food for me and even feed me. He always does that and I always just let him. I don't know. Maybe because he looks so happy feeding me, wiping my food off my mouth and forcing me to eat veggies. He takes care of me so much. Much more on how my late grandma did for me. Sometimes I would be so hesitant. Why did I stayed anyway? Even if he lets me. Beg for me. Even if I have feelings for him. Was that enough to stay? I wish I could repay him somehow. I could! But how?

"Here you go." He handed me some ice cream on a cone and I took it from him. Jumping a bit.

"You're so cute." He said with a chuckle. I pouted but I smiled when he patted my hair. I ate my ice cream and he entwine his hand on mine. I didn't mind. Even though he's a guy. Guess that doesn't matter now. Wait! It does.. Does it? I look like a child as he drag me. He was definitely more taller. About 6'2. I'm.. Don't ask.

I tug my hand off his making him look at me.

"What is it?" I ate the last bit of ice cream and swallowed. I cross my arms over my chest and glared at him and he look puzzled but he smiled as he wipe some ice cream off my face. I flinch a bit and push his hand off. His smile faded.

"What's wrong?" I look around and was about to walk away when he grab my hand pulling me back. I felt my chest tighten when I saw the look on his face. He was hurt. Scared.

"Where are you going? Did I do something? Please don't go." He said. Rather.. Pleaded at me. I look down and sighed. I drag him to a near by bench and sat him down. He eyed me and I shook my head as I let go of his hand. I gesture for him to stay put. With my palms out facing him.

"I'm going with you. Where are you going? You don't even know this place. War--" he stopped. Well.. I felt my cheeks heat up as I avoided his glance. He was just staring at me.. Now his eyes widen..

"Wait for me." I said that and run off as fast as I could but I still heard him call out my name.


Phantom and Night (A Vampire Story: bxb)COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now