Falling Down. Part 2

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*Still editing.

People constantly underestimate the power of sleep. Your mind, body and soul begin to heal as you close your eyes and fall into slumber. There's no pain or hurt. There's no regret. Doctors say sleep is how you process memories and heal. I believe that's true.

Wrapped tightly around me were the loving arms of Audrey. Somehow we were tangled together on this small recliner with her chest to my back. Tina had gone for the night and vowed to return in the morning.

I could hear and feel Audrey's breath as it bounced off of my neck. I knew that she had an entire night planned for me and that black cocktail dress but inevitably life got in the way. And yet here she was at my side; holding me in a recliner while my mother was battling for her life.

She had been the one to pick me up off the ground. She lifted me up from the dark cold floor and became my voice at the moment I needed her the most. My love for her was natural and easy.

Her love hit me like snowfall, one second you're admiring the slow, steady, beautiful flakes and the next your entire yard is covered like a blanket. Even though you know it's going to cover the ground because you can see it falling, and even though it's cold you still feel completely warm. She was that storm, a perfect storm.

Staying together on the other hand was hard. There were lies, heartbreak and sometimes a lot of pain but, it was worth it. The good outweighed the bad tenfold. Everyday with her was worth it. Regardless of the uphill battle we sometimes had to face.

"Hey." Audrey's comforting arms tightened around me. "Why did you wake me up?"

"I was comfortable." My fingers interlocked with hers. "I didn't want to bother you."

Audrey placed a delicate kiss on my neck. We both sat in silence for a while entangled in each other's embrace. She held me closely as I continued to look at my mother. The sounds of the machines and monitors filled the silence.

That was until my stomach growled.

"Let me up I'll get you some food." Audrey offered. Her voice comforted me. Her soothing nature added a small hint of light on this utterly dark and gloomy day.

"Please stay." My voice was desperate and broken from the events of the last two days. I didn't want to be alone.

I felt Audrey nuzzling against my neck and my eyes closed involuntarily.

"Okay, let me order you food then. When it gets here I'll just grab it from the lobby."

Audrey grabbed her phone and typed away. A few minutes later she placed her phone back in her bag and wrapped her arms around me once more.

My hand found its way into my pocket where I pulled out a twenty dollar bill. The rest of my cards and cash were locked in my car in the parking garage.

"Don't start." Audrey laughed briefly as she pushed my hand away. "I used Apple Pay."

I didn't have the energy to argue tonight. In fact something in my mind clicked at that particular moment. For once, I didn't mind someone taking care of me. It felt nice not to have to think about money or bills.

"Thank you." I spoke softly.

I felt Audrey's lips curl into a small against my neck. She took the small victory without pointing it out or gloating, instead she just held me tighter.

"She's going to be fine you know." Audrey stated. "One day when you have you own restaurant and family you'll look back at this and realize that nothing can stop you or your mother from doing what you love."

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