We All Have a Story

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"Emma why didn't you tell me." Audrey said as she looked down at my father's grave and back up to me.

"It's not something I tell many people, when he passed away I was 19." I looked down at my fathers resting place while I spoke.

"Audrey, my father was my rock. He was there to support everything I did. He loved my mother and I so much. When we found out he had cancer he was the one who was strong. He had to be for us. Even as we watched him slowly leave us he held his head high. He told me I was going to be okay because that's how he raised me. He instilled his strength in my mother and I. He told me if I kept working I could be anything I wanted. One day when I was at the hospital he said one day I would stop mourning and start living again because that's what he wanted for me. When I open my restaurant I'm going to name it after him. Angelo's."

Audrey was holding me by the time I finished talking. She wrapped her arms around me so tightly it was difficult for me to breathe. When she protected me she was a different person. She wasn't depressed she wasn't sad. She was strong and caring. It was something that came natural to her. She protected me and held me to shield me from the bad.

"Audrey, can't you see how amazing you are? You're standing here in front of my fathers grave holding me to make me feel better when you're the one hurting. Making me feel better comes naturally to you. I've seen you do it over and over again. Making yourself feel better is no different Audrey." Audrey's arms tighten around me.

"I wish I could have met him." She sniffled.

"You can meet my mother if you'd like." I offered. "She's really nice I promise."

"I would love that Em."

"I wanted to bring you here so I could show you that your future doesn't have to be sad." I reflected back on the last few years of my life. "When he left us I was so mad. I was angry at the world for taking him and I was angry at myself. Then I got numb, I felt like nothing would make me happy again. One day I was so upset; I was broke I couldn't pay for school anymore and my mom couldn't help out. I drove my car until I landed at the diner. They gave me a job and I arranged my classes around it. It's taken me a lot longer but I'm almost done. Years from now I'll look back and say I made it. I did this, and Audrey, so will you."

Audrey pulled away and smiled at me. Her eyes were so full of life, the wind was blowing her hair and her smile melted my heart. I knew I wouldn't alway say or do the right things but I felt so accomplished knowing that I helped her today.

"Thank you for bringing me here Audrey. I do feel a lot better."

"Good." I kissed her gently. I felt her smile against my lips.

"So about the food you promised." She joked as she took my hand.

"Well, I know a place not far from here but I'll have to make sure she could accommodate us." We made our way back to my car before she caught on to what I said.

"Wait, who's she?" Audrey questioned.

"My mother, she lives about 45 minutes away if you want to meet her." I watched as Audrey shifted in her seat.

"Em, are you sure she won't mind? We can't just drop in." I chuckled as she spoke. I had forgotten how she was raised. It may have been odd for her lifestyle but it was completely normal for me to stop by my mom's unexpected.

"Audrey, trust me this will make her entire week. I don't get here as often as I should and I have never brought a real girlfriend home before. She might not let us leave." I joked as I sent my mom a quick text letting her know we were heading over.

"I'm the first girlfriend you're bringing home? Wow, she's going to be disappointed." Audrey laughed.

"What?" I laughed with her. "No, Audrey you're fine."

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