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Days after sleeping at Audrey's I found myself bed ridden. Running nose, sore throat, and a fever. I called my job so they could have coverage and I emailed all my classes. There was no way I was going to make it.

I sent a few texts to Tina praying she would bring me some soup but unfortunately she was at work. On a whim, decided to sleep as much a as I could so I could get better as soon as possible.

Hours had passed and I floated in and out of sleep. I heard my phone chime from the end table and I groaned at the fact that I had to roll over and look at it.

Trying not to stalk you this time. Are you free later?

Audrey's text made me laugh launched me into a coughing attack.

I'm currently dying in bed via the cold from hell. Rain check?

I closed my eyes and waited for her response. I knew if it wasn't soon I was going to fall back asleep. To my surprise her response came faster than I anticipated. Her eagerness to talk made me smile like a idiot.

Do you want some company? Maybe some chicken noodle soup? I know a place.

It didn't phase her at all that I was sick. Even with my head pounding I couldn't help but to question why she liked to be around me. I basically called her lazy last week. She clearly has friends and she seems entirely too well off for me. After thinking it over for a few minutes the only conclusion that I could come up with was that she was lonely. Her parents were gone and she didn't work. She must have been alone a lot.

So was I. 

I sent her a text with my address and told her the door was open.

An hour later I heard my front door open and close shortly after.

"Emma!" I heard her call from the foyer.

"I'm in here." My voice was gritty and nasally.

"You sound like shit." She joked as she handed me some soup.

"Thanks." I rolled my eyes as I tried to clear my stuffy nose.

I sat back on my couch and took in the scenario that was unfolding in front of me. Audrey was here in my shitty apartment sitting on my old beaten up couch and smiling at me like I was something impressive to look at. The truth is I looked exactly how I felt, like shit. My hair was a mess and I was sweating from my fever. Every single time we have hung out I have always looked like a mess.

I felt my curiosity about her starting to peak. I wanted to know more about her. I wanted to know everything that made her who she was and why she was so fond of being near me.

"Why do you like me?" I asked as I sipped my soup.

"Who said I liked you?" Audrey joked playfully while handing me some crackers from the paper bag the soup was packed in.

"You brought me soup, you haven't said a word about how unkept my place is, you stalk me, and you kissed me. You definitely like me a little."

She smiled and laughed at my bluntness. The whole time her eyes never left mine.

"Maybe I do, a little." Audrey joked. "What if I told you that you're more real than anything I'm used to? Would that help you understand?" She rested her head on my shoulder and looked up at my ceiling. She settled in next to me and made herself completely at home.

"No, that doesn't help." I sniffled. She didn't making any sense.

"Where I come from no one works like you and goes to school or lives on their own. Where I come from kids have trust funds. They can just do whatever they want; become whoever they want. They don't understand what it's like to be on your own. To be alone. They don't have real problems." Audrey paused for a while. It seemed as if she was thinking. "My friends, they're happy because their parents buy them nice cars and trips to Europe. They work for their families law firms and businesses. They'll have everything they could ever ask for. But it's all bullshit. It's all the same all the time. It's always who has this and who has that."

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