There's No Place Like Home.

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One month after the move in.

"Emma, we are never hanging out at my place again." Tina wondered around my new kitchen. She ran her hand along the bar's shelf while she contemplated what she wanted to drink. "She won't be mad?"

"About what?" I asked as I continued to cook our meal. Audrey was out of town looking at some properties she wanted to flip and Tina was spending the night here.

"Me drinking all of her expensive liquor?" Tina laughed as she grabbed a few bottles from the shelf.

"I doubt it. She only drinks wine." I finished cooking and left the food on the stove to stay warm while we poured some drinks for ourselves.

"I'm glad you moved in with her. She makes you happy Emma. After everything you've been through with your father and your ex I was worried about you for a while." Tina's brown eyes found mine and I turned away quickly.

"Please don't talk about her." I begged as I sipped my rum and coke.

The very thought of my ex made me cringe. She was the type of girl who only cared about herself. She had always found a way to dismiss what I felt. She twisted arguments so I felt as if I had been the one who was at fault. If she cheated it was because I worked too much. If she was late it was because my plans weren't as important as hers.

When you're with someone toxic you never realize it until it's too late. Love can make you overlook every single negative thing about a person. It has a way of completely blinding you.

"Relax I was just saying I'm happy for you." Tina added quickly. "Audrey's nothing like Christina."

"I know." I said softly as I attempted to compare the two in my mind. I couldn't though. No one could measure up to how Audrey made me feel.

"Girl, you've got it bad. Seriously, you're so in love it's almost hard to look at." Tina joked and she poured us more drinks.

I chuckled at her words because they were completely true. "Shut up Tina."

"So when's the wedding. That's how lesbians work right? They move fast."

I shook my head. " Tina, just because you watched The L Word you think you're some kind of lesbian expert."

"Basically." She joked.

We spent the next hour or so eating dinner and having a few more drinks. Audrey and I were texting back and forth throughout the night. I was glad Tina was there. The house was too large to be in alone and I was definitely missing Audrey.

"Emma, someone's knocking at the door." Tina advised me as she returned from the bathroom.

When I stood up it was clear that the alcohol was starting to catch up with me. I was tipsy to say the least.

I opened the door slowly. When I saw who it was I nearly slammed it shut. Jen was here at Audrey front door. Her eyes seemed surprised to see me there.

"Oh, hey. Is Audrey here?" Jen asked as she took in my attire. I was in sweats and a tank top.

"No, she's in New York." I started to close the door slowly hoping my actions would end the conversation.

"Why are you here then?" Jen grabbed the door before I could close it. "She moved you in?"

"That's none of your business Jen. Do you need something? Because if not this conversation is over." I stood my ground. I looked her in her eyes displaying my confidence proudly. Audrey and I were together. We lived together and I was done putting up with people like her.

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