~Author's Note~

1.3K 49 16

~Screenshot from Undertale~

Hey Guys! 

I'd like to thank you all for reading Target Settled, knowing that people read this gave me motivation and passion to continue writing. When I uploaded this story in July I had absolutely nothing to pursue this story.

It wasn't until the end of September one of my best friends whom I see as a twin, wanted me to give this story a try, and within that week I have thought of a story and seeing people voting and commenting on something I've been working on, kept me going.

I was overjoyed to see people took interest of something I genuinely liked, especially a ship people liked outside of Nerd and Jock. 

Within writing this I was and still am in a horrible place and writing was coping, but at the end of the day, seeing at least one comment or a vote was all I needed to pursue.

Perhaps many of you don't care and that's fine, but I really want to tell you all how grateful I am.

I also acknowledge I still have made mistakes, as not everything is perfect and I'd appreciate if there's anything I could improve on from this, for later stories or even rewrite this in the future.

I will admit there will less likely be a sequel to Target Settled, the chances there will be are slim but there is a possibility there may be... but I guarantee I will add bonus chapters, so I hope that can bring entertainment of this content.

I truly cannot thank you guys enough for how grateful I am, to just know people are reading this, and the comments truly made me laugh and smile, with how the story progressed, and the heartwarming beautiful words I was given.

It really means a lot to me and I surely hope to inspire some of you as well.

Thank you so much for reading and whatever you're doing that gives you passion... don't lose it because there will be someone to cheer for you, for the achievements you've earned.

~Thank you and have a good day/night~


~Fun Facts~

-Songs have really helped me out throughout the progression of the story, within inspiration and chapter titles

-Most of the time, I don't realize I've made a mistake until after I published it

-Ever since posting the first chapter, Killer and Outer pictures have been popping on my medias, most notably Amino



Toby Fox





-Nightmare!Sans & Dream!Sans-



Jakei95/Jael Peñaloza






The Community
(Formely Popcornpr1nce)





(Please note the actions I've made Dust Sans do in this Fan-fiction, do NOT take as reference, in respects of their creator )


Sour Apple Studios


  Mx Bones  

Target Settled|Outer!Sans x Killer!SansWhere stories live. Discover now