~Chapter 18~ Euphoria

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Killer's POV

I was completely paralyzed, I couldn't move a single bone in my body...Outer fell onto my chest and fell asleep.

 I didn't know what to do, only that I felt my soul beat rapidly, and I was heating up on my skull from this. 

Beyond anything else I've experienced..even before what the demon had done to me, this is something I never felt, the gentle smile he has...I cannot help but admire.

The very thing to keep me contained was my emotionless ability, to feel nothing and later on feel no regret or sorrow...

Now for a miracle they have returned, and realizing what I've done is painful... yet I have urges and desires to continue it.

My drug is to see others suffer...and die,however... spending time with Outer has been irreplaceable. So special and heart-warming...

I don't want to lose this time... He's been a good friend to me, which I still don't understand

But the time we had were...endearing, gosh I feel so foolish...

How daft this would sound If I told anyone, but it's so compelling.

Until my time is up to return back to Nightmare, something within me...wants to protect him.

I slowly shut my eye-sockets slowly, and I wrap my arms around him as he snuggles into my sweater more for warmth...

Nightmare's POV

One whole day without Killer's presence in the castle, after telling my minions what's going on they'd advise to give at least 3 days until he can return. 

Honestly despite my craving to end my brother's life and bring eternal darkness, he is still someone I trust.

After all of this it better be fucking worth it, just 4 days without this is making me lose sanity.


Outer's POV

I shift slightly...as I feel such warmth I never felt in my life, I then open my eye-sockets to find myself against the woolen fabric...

I look up and realize I fell onto Killer as I was dozing off to sleep, I quietly squeak..as it seems to wake him up.

The moment becomes very awkward very quickly, and I quickly get out of his grasp and he pretends nothing happened.

Gosh My skull feels so heated up and It's just so embarrassing... maybe I can think of something to distract ourselves from the event...

I look around to find a movie on a table, and Inhale and look at Killer.

"Hey Uhm... Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask him and he nods, avoiding any eye-contact.

 I nod and then put on a movie for us to watch, not to scary or anything..just in-case my bro comes around, so I've decided to put on some action.

As the movie starts I lean back on the couch, and as much I want to I cannot help but think about when I was asleep... 

The soothing soul beat that sounds like a lullaby, the warm body-heat that you feel in-front of a fire... and being in his arms was so tender...right now I cannot even pay attention to what's going on in the movie, I'm too focused on how devoted I was in my unconscious state...

"Killer?" I asked looking at him, as he looks me with slight sweat as I could tell he was still embarrassed... but he hummed in response.

To that I held his hands..the touch was so soft and gentle...also warm...his skull increased of how blue it is, I slowly lean in closer to him...as I feel as if have no control in my body...

I notice he leaned in closer as well, as we both slowly shut our eye-sockets as our skulls get closer, I feel as if I had butterflies in my non-existing stomach and his sweat increases...

I cannot believe what is about to happen.

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