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I literally have the worst case of writers block when it comes to this story. I cant see myself going any further with this book AT ALL.

However I will be redoing this story, the title will be called "Incognito" That book will be posted tonight, at approximately 7PM.

Another chapter will follow around 9PM tonight, I would love to continue this story but nothing seems to come to mind when writing it or trying to update.

"Incognito" will have roughly the same story line, just a completely different setting with a few new and better characters, and some taken out.

I'm sorry if I have let any of you down, or if you love this story this comes as an inconvenience to you BUT I can almost assure you that this new book will be 100 times better with a more direct story plot and layout.

I am however taking co-writer offers. So, if you feel that you have what it takes and can help me continue with this story or the rest of my readers, that would be AMAZING.

I love you guys and I hope you do understand where I am coming from with this.


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