She left

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Third person POV

Xander returned to his car. He couldn't help this feeling knowing inside of him. His brain told his to March right back into that airport , stop that damn plane from taking off and take Violet home. Wherever home is for her. But his heart disagreed. This was the one chance , he knew Violet had to make something of herself. To follow her dreams , not everyone gets the chance to follow their dreams. He knows he didn't.

Xander knew in a matter of years, his life will start to crumble. After loosing his mate. The Werewolf council came to him. They stated that if a miracle doesn't occur in the next twenty years or so...then he would have to give up his pack and his title as he will have no heir. An heir to pack could only be born through true mates.
He was given an ultimatum...give the pack to another alpha or allow his niece or nephew to become the alpha. Of course he picked the latter. His great grandfather worked hard to bring the pack to be successful on the treacherous landscape of the snowy glades. The next alpha had to be one with Bloom Blood.

Xander roughly opened his car door. This was one of the first times he followed his heart instead of his brain. And he hope it's the right choice. Last time he chose his heart over his brain it ended in his very own mates death.
Starting the car he looked over to the passenger seat when Violet sat not even an hour ago. Her off scent still surrounded the car. It was a mixture of saltwater and coffee..with just a hint of something that he couldn't quite decipher.

There lying on the seat was a pack of white envelopes. Each pristine with a name sketched neatly into the middle.

Xander's fingers flipped through the envelopes, each for every person in Violets life.

Xander's fingers flipped through the envelopes, each for every person in Violets life

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He flipped through all the envelopes until he reached the last one .
His name and title was printed neatly in calligraphy on the front. He turned the envelope over ready to shred it open until he saw a post it sticker on the back.

"Please give these to the respected people...and only open yours when you are far away from the airport."

Almost like Violet cast a spell on him.
He couldn't get itself to open the letter. So instead he pulled out of the airport and started to drive back to Jace's pack. He had letters to deliver.

Xander laughed at the last thought. A female werewolf that he had met no less then four times before has made this big bad alpha into a mail man.


Jace shoved Xander again the wall of the entrance of the pack house door.

Violets parents sat quietly in the corner. The mother crying. The father consoling.
Jace's eyes were the colour of coal as he pushed Alpha Xander even further into the door.

"You signed her discharge paper and you stink of her so tell me before I rip your lips of your face. Where the hell is she."

Xander stared at the young alpha amusingly. He reached his hands up and pushed Jace away with one shove.

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