This is Me

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Filler chapter that is not edited


Running from the north to the south was definitely not my daily when I reached the I south side I couldn't help myself...I stopped at the nearest wolf form..drank a couple gulps of water before turning towards the clearing again.
Okay okay you got me...I also collapsed and slept for ten seconds...or maybe it was five minutes what the hell ..I was definitely asleep for atleast an hour.

Only a couple more miles Viola it for your sister.

I took of once again over the grassy plains of my home pack until my home came into view. The bright red roof and beige walls really hit a place of nostalgia for me.

If possible I picked up speed ... running towards and into my house. Making my way through the front door ..I quickly turned back and slipped on the coat from the coat rack. It scent leaked of my mother. Of home. Of happiness.

"Mum, Dad?" I called out , walking into the kitchen, a regular place for us to all be hanging out.

"Viola?" My mums hesitant voice came from the kitchen, and soon her whole body emerged from there.

Running towards me she wrapped her arms around me and started to sob. Practically breaking down in my arms.

Mum and I always shared this close relationship. It was similar to what Violet shared with dad.

"Let her breathe love."

My dad gently peeled my mum off me , then stepped forward to greet me.

"Hi dad."I breathed out.

"Hello Viola, thank you for coming but does-"

"Viola Fate Mickelson! You finally returned from that awful pack."

Breaking away from my fathers embrace , I bolted into the hands of my long lost best friend.

"Camron! I am so happy to see you, it's been ages.."

"You little beauty , left us her and ran away with your mate back to the north and it's Cam not Camron, don't act like my mother." He joking said giving me a slight push of my shoulder.

All this happiness of seeing everyone after so many months really made my happy, but my stomach started to turn as I remembered the real reason I made the run to the south.

"Where is Violet."


I rested my head against her bed. It's been three days. Three days since everything and Violet still hasn't woken up. The doctor came and checked on her but left when he said that he couldn't do anything. He body was perfectly fine. Its just that she was in a dreamless sleep.A coma like state. It's also been three days since I saw Reece and the rest of my pack. My wolf howls to him but I stop her from mind linking or making any communication to him. He needs to be the first one to message me.
Cam came and visited us in every spare time that he has. Jace hasn't tho not onc-

I spoke to soon. The scent of my ex Alpha drifted into the house. Like an instinct I got up from violets bed and moved towards the bedroom door, shutting it behind me. I stood in front of it and allowed fate to take slight control.

"Alpha Jace." I greet not even sparing a glance at the girl behind him.

"Viola you don't call me Alpha you know that-"

"But she must call me Luna PW"

I rolled my eyes at was it Emma? Or Anna? Whatever.
"Listen hun you are not my Luna so I don't have to call you crap."

Damn Violet is really feeding into my emotions.

"JACEEE she can't do that to me tell her she is wrong."

"Damn your so pathetic I actually feel sorry for this pack."

Maybe a bit toooo mean...

"Then why don't you leave take your pathetic sister and leav-"
"Emma enough , this pack belongs just as much to Viola and Violet then it does to you. I just came to see how Vio is doing Viola."

"She is still asleep, most likely in pain both emotionally and physically. You ripped something away from her that she believes you would never. Something she always dreamed of. Something she worked so hard for. For what ..Her? And don't you dare use the BS of mate crap on me. I have a mate and I left him at his pack angry just to be here with my sister. He will forgive me as he is my mate. She should've forgiven you for not giving her the title as she is your mate. A Luna as a PW that's just weak. Now get out of my house before I do something I know I will regret."

With that I pulled out a dagger from my back pants. While my sister was know for her arrows, daggers never let me down.

Jace sensing my seriousness turned and walked away taking her mate with him.

I put the dagger away and went back to my sister. Lying my head on her bed.

"Come in Violet...wake up for me."


"No Brie, there has been no improvement, I can't sense her nor her wolf. I am so scared honestly I don't know what is happening...I just pray that she hasn't gave up."

I heard Brie sigh over the phone." She won't viola, if I know your sister she is super strong...I think her body needs to rest. With Ian first and then this . I wish I could be there with you know what.. BYE."

Confused I put the phone down.

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