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"Cold." By maroon five.

Violet POV

Wolf love is a different sort of thing. For some people, it could be puppy love. Just meet and fall in love. For others, it is a journey but eventually, they reach the same type of love but for some of the unfortunate ones like myself, we never seem to get there.

I always believed that I'll never find a mate and I was satisfied but now after finding him, I am not sure how I will survive.

It's as if I was blind but just for the second they allowed me to see but now I would have rather have not seen and stayed blind than have seen the world once and never get the chance to see it again.

Now I am going insane.

Comparing my life to that of the blind how selfish.

I made my way back to the car but stopping after being exposed to a really good smell. The smell only one could have.


"What are you doing her Violet?"

Me, still facing the car, replied.," wow your talking to me just got a lot nicer." I turned around and bit my tongue. On his hand was Aimee looking at me and her mate unknowingly.

"When did you two talk?" She asks -the question for him.

He just looked at her but spoke to me," go back home. The winds picking up. If you leave now you will make it back alive."

I closed my eyes. Slowly decomposing rejection.

He hasn't rejected you

"Chill alpha, I am leaving." I turned on my heel and got the keys out.


Shocked at the new voice the keys slipped from my hands onto the cold pavement grounds.

Looking up I made contact with the richest yet most familiar piercing green eyes. They were like untouched moss growing deep in the forest. The type of eyes you could get lost in, you could stare into them forever as time just slipped away.

The man who spoke leaked power. His head was slightly cocked to the side as he looked at me. Short brown hair with the roots looking a little red and those green eyes. If only I haven't found my mate.

I guess I have been saying that a lot.

"Bow you head Violet this is Alpha Xander of Mountain Range pack. "

I bowed my head, before looking back at him. Something about his eyes was mysterious. His eyes weren't glazed over like Ian's but rather held mysterious that he was almost mocking you to want to know.

A growl pulled me from my daydream. Making me snap my eyes back to Ian and Aimee.

"Alpha Xander, thank you for using your humble home for the meeting but my pack and I should be heading back. I need to complete my branding ceremony and then take care of the problem that has arisen."

"Yes alpha Ian, but I should warn you against leaving her," pointed his head to me," to drive alone"

I looked between the two Alpha, trying to unravel their puzzle.

"Aimee goes call the rest of the pack, tell them we are leaving."

Aimee nodded and walked out before Ian turned and looked at Xander.

"Will you join us? After the branding ceremony, we could deal with the problem, it would be easier than communicating over the phone."

Slowly Xander lifts his head to look in my direction, like lightning I turned my head looking away.

The Blonde ArcherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora