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Sophia's POV:

I wake up to Clayton playing an annoying alarm on his phone. He is standing above my bed with a really freaking annoying smirk on his face. I look over at my clock and see that it is 5:30 in the morning. Ugh, why does my brother have to be so annoying?! I grab a pillow and put it over my face, what is he going to do, I am already grounded. I hear him clear his throat and say "Sophia Grace I am going to count to 3..." I am not really sure what happens when he gets to three, it has never happened, but I don't think I want to find out. He continues "1...2...." I hop out of bed and shout "I'm up! I'm up!" he smirks again and says "Okay, get ready please. I am going to make breakfast and Amelia will be over soon." I sigh and he gives me a look and says "Be nice."

Clayton's POV:

I really wish that Sophia would at least make an effort to get along with Amelia. Amelia and I have been together for 6 years, since we were seniors in high school, and she really cares about Sophia. She has been there for me through all of the most important and difficult moments in my life. I really love her, and I want to propose. I probably would have already if Sophia liked her. I definitely would have. I know that she is the love of my life; she is my best friend. However, Sophia is the most important thing in my life, and she is only 12, and so I still have at least 6 years of her living at home. It is getting really hard to wait though. Six years is a long time, and I think Amelia is getting impatient, although I know she tries to be understanding. I think I may have to talk to Sophia about it soon, but I am not looking forward to that conversation. For now I will just be happy if Sophia is cordial, there have definitely been sometimes when she has been outright cruel to Amelia. What makes it worse is that Amelia really loves Sophia, she has known her since she was 6 after all, and she really wants to have a good relationship with her. Hopefully things will get better between the two of them....

Sophia's POV:

I can't believe that I have to spend an entire day with Amelia, that is the worst part of my punishment. She is just the worst. She is just so boring. And she tries so hard to be nice, it is just so annoying. And she just always takes up all of Clayton's attention and I don't like it, he is my big brother. She should just find someone else's big brother to steal. And she is just so perfect, it is really repulsive. She is a kindergarten teacher, she volunteers all of the time, she always goes to church with us, is always doing a Bible study or something, never cusses, always prays before meals, comes over and cooks us her stupid food, and always looks perfect. No one is really that perfect. Like I said, it is very annoying and she is really the absolute worst.

I walk out to the kitchen and SHE is here and they are being all disgusting and lovey. I sit down at the table and Amelia smiles at me and says "Good morning kiddo." I glare at her and don't respond. Clayton gives me a look but doesn't say anything. I just stare at my lap and don't say anything while they finish making breakfast. Eventually they sit down and Clayton puts a plate in front of me. Amelia tries to hold my hand to pray but I just cross my arms. She looks disappointed, and I almost feel bad, but then she just reaches across the table and holds Clayton's other hand I remember that I hate her. After she finishes praying, we all start eating. They try to make conversation, but I only respond when Clayton talks to me, I just ignore Amelia. When we finish Clayton stands up and looks at me says "Your turn to do the dishes kiddo." Amelia jumps up and says "Don't worry about it, I've got it!" and starts clearing the table and cleaning up. Clayton looks at me expectantly, and when I say nothing he clears his throat and whispers harshly "Sophia!" I mumble "Thanks Amelia." and get up and storm to room and slam my door.

Pretty soon I hear Clayton knock on my door, he doesn't wait for me to answer before coming in. Then he comes over to my bed and sits down next to me. I start to say something, preparing myself to argue, but he just looks at me with sad eyes and says "I am really disappointed in you. I thought I raised you better than this. I know you don't like Amelia, and while I wish you did, you have the right not to. However, you do not have the right to treat her rudely and disrespectfully. I expect so much better out of you. I want you to really think about the kind of person that you want to be and whether or not your current actions are consistent with that. Do you think you were acting christlike in the way you treated Amelia?" I look down, tears brimming in my eyes, and say "No sir... I'm sorry." He puts his arm around me and pulls me in for a side hug, then he says "I know you are kiddo, but I don't think I am the one you owe an apology. I won't force you to do anything, but I hope that you will still make the right choice." I nod and he continues "I have to get headed to work, love you, see you tonight." and he kisses the top of my head and then stands up. I said "Love you too." and hug him. Then I sit down and think about what I am going to do.

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