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Hello guys!!

It has been ages since I last posted here on this book! It actually feels like yesterday I was writing this book and updating it for you guys.

So...I have some great news to share with you guys!! As you all know THIS BOOK IS PUBLISHED!!! Yep, you can now buy a Paperback or Kindle copy of Silent Love if you want!! If you want a copy here is what you have to do....

1) Go on Amazon or Barnes and Noble. You can even buy a copy from CreateSpace is that helps too, or even iTunes!

2) Type in either...Kenadee Bryant...Silent Love....Forbidden Series. (Any of these will work)

3) Pick if you want Paperback, Kindle, or even Nook (if that is what you have). If you have Amazon Prime the Kindle version will be FREE, and shipping will be FREE as well. 

4) Make sure each book is in order. Such as...Silent Love Part 1...Silent Love Part 2...Silent Love Part 3....Silent Love Part 4.... (It is the same book as this one just split because it was so long, and has better grammar/plot holes fixed!!) 

5) Leave a Review and/or Rate the book! By leaving a review and rating the books it helps other people see it and it could help us reach the Best Sellers List! If we make the best sellers list way more people will see the book AND maybe, maybe we could get this book made into a movie!! NOW WHO WOULDN'T WANT THAT?!?! 

6) Finally add where you are from. I just learned it will ship to the UK, Australia, and Canada!! I am not sure about the shipping prices but you can at least get a copy!!

And that's it :) That is all you have to do to get a copy. 


* * * * *

It means the absolute world to me that you guys have been so supportive of this book! Without your awesome comments and messages I wouldn't have sent this in to be published. Seriously, all of this is BECAUSE YOU GUYS!! <3 <3

This is my favorite story I have written and it means the entire world to me that you guys read it, add it to your favorite's and leave comments. This book has 5.2 Million reads because of you. That is insane!!! And we also won a Fiction Award with this book a year ago, which is incredible as well!

IF you go and get a copy of this book make sure to tell me!! Message me on here, Insta, Twitter, Snapchat! I want to hear and see Pics of you with it!! I want to personally thank you for spending your money on my stuff. SO PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU HAVE GOTTEN A COPY!!! <3 <3

(Insta: OutOfMyLimit17. Twitter:Kendoll350. Snapchat: OutOfMyLimit17)

* * * * * * * * * 

Now..onto something fun!!

Because this book was split into FOUR separate books we got four different story covers!! If you follow me on social media then you have seen the four covers my publishing company made for these books. All of these are incredible, sexy and just UGH! I cannot get enough of them! 

BUT...only ONE can be the official cover for Silent Love here on Wattpad. This is where you come in! Below I will put all the covers up. Comment next to the one you like the best! If you can't comment next to it just put in the comments the number of the one you like. (ex: #1...or I like number 2.) 

You guys get to VOTE for which cover you like the best. And the one with the most comments will be chosen to be the official cover. I will also go post a poll on Twitter so if you want to vote twice or vote for different ones cause you can't choose you can do that too!

So make sure to VOTE for which cover is your favorite!!! <3

* * * * * * * * * * * 

Finally I just want to tell you guys I love you. Without you I wouldn't be here right now. I wouldn't be able to call myself a published author, I wouldn't still be writing. You guys are the full reason I keep on writing! 

So thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love, support, reads, votes, comments, followers. 

If any of you ever need to talk or anything feel free to message me! I always reply to my messages (I try with comments but with so many they can get lost). You can even tag my name in the comments and I will see those more. Don't feel like you guys can't talk to me because I love hearing from you! So if you ever need anything or just want to gab/rant/etc I'm always here! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3



Silent Love Part 1.....

Silent Love Part 2

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Silent Love Part 2...

Silent Love Part 3

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Silent Love Part 3...

Silent Love Part 4

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Silent Love Part 4...

Silent Love Part 4

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Silent Love  (PUBLISHED)Where stories live. Discover now