Chapter 20...

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Thank you to whoever sent this cover to me! Please comment your name so I can dedicate this chapter to you! I love it! <3 <3

Falling For You by Colbie Caillat. Love this song and thought it fit pretty well :)

Ethan's POV

Asking Carter out had to be one of the most nerve wrecking things I have ever done. I mean it wasn't like I asked her out on a date date, more of a 'please forgive me for being an ass and I want to make it up to you' type of thing. Right? The little voice on my head questioned. Ever since the night I danced with her at the party she hasn't left my head. I don't know why and it was frustrating me.

It was like something happened that night that made a switch turn on inside of me. Carter wouldn't leave my mind and I just kept picturing myself with her. That was definitely something I never have thought of before. I would find myself drifting off in class just thinking about what she would be doing right now, which in turn made me angry. I was not suppose to think like this.

Carter has always been this constant in my life. She has been here my entire life, always been around to see through the wall I put up around myself because of my parents. She never judged me but did make sure I was behaving. I have always thought of her has a little sister, or even sometimes Luke's annoying goody-too-shoes sister but even then I liked that about her. I liked how innocent and sweet she was Carter.

But now here I am in my bedroom staring up at the ceiling trying to figure out why I was so nervous and awkward talking to her earlier. I mean come on it was me, I don't get nervous talking to girls. But with Carter I was nervous that she wouldn't forgive me for what I did at the party and that she wouldn't let me take her out tomorrow. Me, Ethan Galloway, was scared that a girl wouldn't say yes to me asking her out.

I could see Carter's light blue eyes staring back at me shining as she said yes. Just thinking about her saying yes and accepting my apology made me heart soar. I was just glad she accepted my apology because I couldn't stand her being mad at me. All week we didn't say more than 2 words to each other, even when I was in college and she was still in high school we said more words than that. I think that was the push for me to try and get back in her good graces. Why it mattered so much to me, I have no idea.

The reason I chose tomorrow, Sunday, to take Carter out was because I knew Luke would be busy. He told me earlier he was planning on staying in to study which was a perfect opportunity to take Carter out without her brother knowing. Even though this wasn't a date, date I knew he would be weird about it. I hadn't even realized until now how over protective each of us were towards Carter.

Sighing I broke out of my thoughts and looked over at the clock. It was read 11:45 pm. I planned on taking Carter out all day tomorrow so it would be wise for me to head to bed. Just thinking about all the things I had planned and imagining Carter's face when she realizes it made me grin in the dark. My insides warmed thinking of Carter as I got comfortable in bed. Tomorrow was going to be a great day even if I had no idea why I was nervous.

Maybe a switch had been turned on inside of me.

Carter's POV

If it wasn't for my alarm I probably would have never gotten up this morning. It took my forever to fall asleep last night because all I could think about was Ethan. I tossed and turned all night until around 5 o'clock sleep finally caught me. Everything about yesterday played in my mind like a movie on a repeat.

I had only gotten 3 hours of sleep but the moment I remembered what today was I was immediately awake. I flung the covers off my body and in my rush to head to the bathroom my legs got tangled in the covers making me fall face first to the ground. I'm so graceful I tell you.

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