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"My mom and Kakashi... Kakashi and my mom..." Naruto said as he was sprawled out on the floor. Naruto collapsed seconds after I told him the news. "Naruto, are you okay?" I asked, poking his cheek. "I didn't think he'd take it that hard." Tsunade said.

"You think I should've waited for a better time?" I asked. "No, I don't think so." Kakashi said. I tapped Naruto's cheek with the back of my hand and he started regaining consciousness. "Naruto, are you okay?" I asked as he started coming to.

"Ugh... What happened?" Naruto sat up and rubbed his eyes before looking at me. "Oh, Mom! Thank goodness! I had this terrible dream that you told me you and Kakashi were going out! Can you believe it?" Naruto said.

"Naruto... That was real. You collapsed after I told you the news." I informed. Naruto's eyes went wide before he collapsed again. "And he's out again." Jiraiya said. I sighed and woke him up again with the same method I used before.

"Come on, let's go for a walk. Kakashi, why don't you...?" I trailed off when I saw that he was gone. "Where'd he go?" I asked. "He left to read his new book." Jiraiya said.

"Classic Kakashi." I said, smiling as I shook my head.

Afterwards, Naruto, Sakura, Temari, Shikamaru and I went for a walk to catch up on things. "So, how long have you guys been going out? You and Kakashi." Naruto asked. "Three years. A little bit earlier than that." I answered.

"That long?" He asked. "Uh-huh. I wanted to tell you earlier, but you left for your training. Plus, I thought you'd might find it a little weird that your mother and your sensei were dating." I mentioned. "Well, I find it a little weird." Naruto admitted.

"Yeah, I thought you'd might. Oh, I almost forgot to mention. Hinata's been asking about you."


"Mm-hm. You should pay her a visit later on today." I said. "Maybe I will." Naruto agreed. "By the way, since when were Temari and Shikamaru going out?"

"What? Termari and Shikamaru?"

"Well, look at them. They look quite happy together. Not to mention, a cute couple."

"Hey, we're not a couple, Haru," Temari objected. "The Chunin Exams are about to start, so I've been busy running back and forth from the Leaf to the Sand getting ready for it."

"That's right, and I'm her escort. And don't ask how it happened. But I've been put in charge of organizing the Chunin Exams." Shikamaru said.

"The Chunin Exams, huh? Man, that really takes me back." Naruto said. "Yeah. Well, anyway, what are you gonna do, Naruto?" Shikamaru asked.

"About what? What do you mean?"

"What do you think? About the Chunin Exams. You're the only one in our year who isn't a chunin. Everyone else but you."

"Seriously?" I asked, then looked at Naruto. "What?!" He yelled. "That's actually very surprising." I said. I looked at the sky and saw a hawk soaring above our heads. "I have to go. Tsunade is summoning me." I informed as I walked the opposite direction.

"Summoning you? Do you have a mission?" Naruto asked. "I do. An Anbu mission." I said.

"Anbu?! Since when did you become an Anbu, Mom?!"

"Yeah, Haru. I didn't hear about this." Temari said. "Neither did I." Shikamaru said. "Or me." Sakura chimed in. "I would've thought Tsunade told you already. I was promoted to one last year. I even have this,"

I swiftly went to cut Shikamaru, but he ducked under my attack and leaped back. "What the hell was that for?! Are you trying to kill me?!" He yelled at me. I calmly smiled at him. "It's called a Wrist Blade," I said, showing it to him.

The Mother He Never HadWhere stories live. Discover now