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Haru's POV

"Really? You were attacked by a rain ninja?" I asked as I brushed out Naruto's hair. "Yeah, it was totally weird, too. He just captured Moegi and started ranting about the Chunin Exams. Speaking of which, Kakashi gave me my pass today." Naruto explained. 

I giggled slightly. "I know. You told me this morning just before you went to go play with Konohamaru and his friends," I mentioned. "Is Moegi okay? She didn't get hurt, did she?"

"Nah, she was fine because yours truly was there to save the day!" Naruto boasted, making me giggle again. 'I see, so they're testing the genin. Not that I'm surprised. I think they do this every year.' I thought to myself. 

"There. All done," I said, placing the brush down on the table. "I can't believe how much your hair has grown. Pretty soon, I think you'll be needing a haircut." 

"Aww... Already?" Naruto whined. "You wanna look good for Hinata, don't you?" I asked, playfully, making Naruto blush. 

I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Come on. Wash up for dinner." I said. "Yes, ma'am." Naruto nodded and went to the bathroom. 

(After dinner)

I was cleaning the dishes as I hummed a soft tune to myself. Once I was finished cleaning dishes, I walked to Naruto's room to see if he was sleeping. I opened his door and found him sitting up in bed with the blanket over him as a light was shining beneath the blanket. 

"Naruto, I said, lights out a half hour ago." I told him. "But lights are out." Naruto said from underneath the blanket. I smiled, amused at his humor. "That includes flashlights as well, silly boy." I said.

Naruto took the blanket off his head and looked at me with a grin as I noticed a manga book in his hands. "Get some sleep, Naruto." I said. "Yes, ma'am." Naruto replied, turning off the flashlight.

He placed his manga on the nightstand beside him, along with his flashlight, and lied down on his bed. He pulled the blanket over his body and turned on his side so he was facing the wall. I smiled and left his room, closing the door behind me.

I went back to the kitchen to return to my cleaning until I spotted something watching me from otuside. "What the...?" I went over to the window and looked around, looking at a tree. Someone was definitely standing there. 

When I made eye contact with them, they quickly disappeared. "Kakashi?" I mumbled. Why was he spying on me? Is he onto me as well? This is not good. 

When morning arrived, I had breakfast already made as Naruto walked into the room. "Good morning, Naruto." I greeted with a smile. "Morning." He replied with a yawn. "You look like you slept rough. Did you have a nightmare again?" I asked. 

"Nah. I just think my mattress is too comfy." Naruto joked. I giggled as he took a seat at the table. "Eat your breakfast. You don't wanna be late to the exams, do you?" I said, handing him his food. "No way!" Naruto agreed, and began to wolf down his food.

"Careful, silly. You're gonna choke." I informed as I handed him a glass of milk. I sat down and began to eat my own food. 

After breakfast, Naruto headed out. "Naruto." I called. "Hmm?" He turned his head towards me as he opened the door. "Be safe out there... okay?" I mentioned. "Don't worry. I will." Naruto grinned before leaving. I smiled back and began to wash the dishes. 

As I was washing the dishes, I softly hummed the tune that I sang to Naruto when we reunited when he was a little boy. 

The morning went by quickly as I began doing the chores of the house. I watered my plants, then vacuumed Naruto's room as I noticed he didn't fix his bed. "Oh, Naruto..." I smiled while shaking my head. "My son will never change." I said, chuckling.

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