(20) After

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Kole's POV

I woke up to next morning or have Sam by my side... completely naked. Her body is art work. I'll have to thank the goddess about giving me Sam as my mate. I can feel her feelings and feels her thoughts every second of the day until she learns how to shut it off.

The pack is also now aware of their Luna. They know that we have finished the mating process and that she is finally one of us.... finally.

She squirms under my arms and tries to get comfortable again. She also manages to rub herself over my body and I groan. I don't know if she's awake and doing this on purpose, or if she's asleep and completely unaware.

I just know that I am crazy about this girl. I'm still surprised that she has forgiven us about the girls.

Speaking of them, they were spotted along the border yesterday, but made no move to leave the territory. Every pack member knows what they have done and they are to report her if they see her.

Sam's family are staying in the pack house. It took awhile for our pack to get used to them, but there are no new fights.

I look over to Sam again and she has a frown on her face. Blake is still asleep. I watch as her face expressions change. I also see sweat forming in her forehead and she wiggles around the bed. "No...no"

I adjust myself and wrap my arms around her. She flinches but doesn't stop moving. Blake wakes up and notices Sam too. "Sam," I shake her. "Wake up, it's just a dream."

She keeps shaking her head saying no. "Sam!" I shake her shoulders, but she's still refusing to wake up. "Wake! Up!"

She jolts up breathing heavily. She sees me and Sighs. "Good morning," she yawns.

"Good morning," I respond looking at her concerned. I kiss her head and snuggle my head into her neck. I give her sweet kisses along her neck. "How did you sleep?"

"Amazing," she responds.

"Have any bad dreams?" I ask looking at her.

She shakes her head, "no... why?"

"I was just wondering," I shrug.

Sam's POV

I had woken up completely naked against my mates. Kole was already up staring at me while I slept. "Now that we've done it once, we can do it all the time," he smirks.

"You wish," I respond.

"We always get what we want," Blake says kissing my shoulder.

A shiver runs down my body and I can see Kole smirk. "I love it how we are officially one," Kole says smiling like a idiot.

"I do too," Blake adds.

I try to get up only to have Kole lay on me. "Let me up," I say wiggling. I hear them groan and I can feel their need for me increasing. "Let. Me. Up."

"Keep wiggling and you won't be getting out of this bed the entire day," Blake says. "You won't be able to walk next week either."

I feel heat rush to my face. "I'll stop if you let me up."

"Where are you going?" Kole asks kissing my shoulder.

"Shower," I respond. I can hear their thoughts and they forgot how to block me off. "No. You cannot come in the shower with me."

"But why not?" Blake pouts.

"Because you all seen me last night," I respond.

"We want to see you again," Kole reasons. "Your going to end up giving us blue balls."

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