Chapter 1.5 Her Smile

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Unedited: You are gonna find number of mistakes. Feel free to point them out.

The next day was hard for Rosalyn as she had to bid bye to her aunt who was leaving for London.

She was afraid of being left a alone. Loneliness was something which she could not bear.

Her aunt too cried a lot while leaving.

Rosalyn sniffed and got off the couch. She decided to go to hospital as being in the company of other people would take her mind off her misery.

She got ready and left for the hospital. She was quite nervous as she was thinking about her job.

I'm gonna loose my job! Oh God! I have been absent without any leave. She mentally groaned.
She was too caught up in her thoughts to notice one of her colleague coming towards her.

"Hey!" Rosalyn gasped.

"H-hey." She tried her best to appear normal and gave her a tight lipped smile.

"How are you doing now?" The doctor asked her.

Now? Rosalyn was confused but she answered nonetheless.

"I'm good. Thank you."

"That's great. Have a nice day." The doctor smiled and left.

"You too."

After meeting her assistant she got to know that someone gave her leave with medical certificate.

It did not take her long to come to a conclusion that it was Ahmar.

That fudging barbarian! From where did he get the medical certificate? She gritted her teeth.
It is not difficult for someone like him. Don't be silly. Her subconscious chided in.

Yeah right.

The rest of the day went well for her and before she knew it was time to leave the hospital.

She got out of the hospital and drove towards her apartment.

After taking a bath and changing into a purple knee length dress she was all ready to leave her apartment.

Unknown to her Ahmar was following her. Fuck! I've turned into a fucking stalker due to this bitch!

When he saw her coming out of her apartment he felt his blood boiling at the sight of her.

Why the fuck she is dressed up like a fucking tramp? She better not be going out to meet some guy or I'll fu***** slit her throat.

She drove towards her favourite bakery where she picked up number of different types of pastries. The people working there were not surprised to see her buying thirty pastries as they knew for whom she was buying them for.

He was quite surprised when he saw her parking her car in front of a small orphanage.

She parked her car in the empty space beside orphanage and got out. With much difficulty she closed the door as she was holding the plastic bags full of pastries.

What the fuck is she thinking...coming here in this place at night, where she could easily get raped and killed!

When he saw that she was inside the house only then did he came out of his car. One of the sister who came to open up the door for Rosalyn forgot to close the door.

He slowly made his way inside but kept himself hidden from the eyes of others. He noticed two more women there and about more than twenty kids surrounding Rosalyn.

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