Chapter 1.1 The First Encounter

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Warning: Unedited. Feel free to point out the mistakes. I don't mind.


The next chapter (1.2 The Abductions) is private.


Word Count:  879 (Do not worry it will increase after some time).

3rd person's POV:

It was almost midnight when Rosalyn exited the hospital and made her way to her car parked few meters away from her. It was another tiring day. But at the end of the day she felt satisfied and happy. She had managed to help a poor lady in her late 30's by paying her bills.

She was way too lost in her thoughts to notice the two men coming towards her.

"Mind having a threesome baby?" One of them asked.

A gasp escaped her lips, her eyes widening. She turned around to find two men in their early 40s staring at her, the evil smirks plastered on their lips.

She noticed that one of them who had brown skin color was dressed in black denim pants and blue tee shirt and the other one was wearing blue denim pants and white tee-shirts. There were only two things common in them; the gold chains around their necks and black leather jackets.

When she recovered from her shock she made mad dash towards her car, but they were quick to get a hold of her. The fear gripped at her heart and a feverish chill tingled down her spine.

Unknown to them he watching the scene getting unfold. His eyes narrowed on the hand gripping her arm. She was a small woman.

Her fucking father should have given her a security guard. Or maybe he should not have sent her outside to whore around. He thought to himself.

He turned around to walk away. It was not his business after all but when he heard her voice he felt the need to stop in his tracks. Despite her voice being small, it was heard by him.

"P__please I_I...I'm sorry. Let me go." She stammered out, her voice timid.

"Of course baby we will let you go," The one with white tee shirt who had a lighter skin tone said, his small eyes dark with lust.
"But after one night.'' He snorted to which both men laughed whole heartedly.

Oh God! That's it. I'm going to get raped and then killed by them tonight. She thought ruefully. The tears made their way down her big almond shaped emerald eyes.

Unable to stop himself he made his way to them.

"Leave the girl." He growled out. His hands were dipped in his pockets and his posture was relaxed. She felt the relief flood in her veins.

"Nathair?" The one in blue shirt rasped out and immediately moved away from her.

"Sorry___We___we didn't know s__she was your woman." He did not bother correcting them and he himself did not know why. The sweat on their faces was visible in the light of light poles of road as their bulky figures shook with fear.

And before she knew both of the men were running away from them, tripping on their steps but not daring to look once back.

A sigh of relief escaped her pink lips. "Thank you sir." She said, turning towards him. The one who was already staring at her intently.

What is it with her voice? He thought to himself. Every time she spoke he felt the blood rushing to his groin. It was that much seductive to his ears.

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