Part 27

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Part 27

"Dash, the sun will be coming out any minute now. We have to leave the room. We can't let anybody find out about what happened. My parents already hate me, I don't want anybody else to despise my existence," Lauren said, her eyes wide with fear and worry.

My heart clenched with raw pain at seeing her suffer. Lauren yearned for parental love just like Dash and I did, and even though I got love from my mother while Dash got it from his dad, Lauren never received any from her parents.

"I know, but Bri still hasn't promised to keep this a secret. We can't let her out like this," Dash argued. I wanted to growl and tell him to shut up. I was so done with him. If it weren't for Lauren, I would've already screamed the house down.

Lauren turned those big eyes on me and I knew I couldn't hurt her. She was damaged because of sheer neglect; this girl needed help. And even then it'll take a long time for her to recover and function as a normal person.

"Bri, please. I promise you I'm getting help and I never miss a session with my therapist. I swear I didn't mean to kill her. You understand, right? It wasn't in my control," Lauren pleaded. She didn't need to plead, as I'd already made up my mind that I would keep her secret. But what I wouldn't do was be with Dash. Lauren needed help but Dash used me and broke my heart. There was no way I was going to forgive him for that.

"It's okay, Lauren. I know you are sick. Don't worry, I won't tell the cops about you. But you have to help Sierra; she is innocent. I'll keep your secret as long as you help her," I stated.

Lauren's eyes lit up and she breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much, Bri! I promise I will not let you down." The poor girl was so worried; her future could be destroyed with this.

"Thanks, Bri. I'm glad you understand," Dash added. I glared at him; it was time I cleared things between us.

"Yeah, I do. And now I want you to understand something." I paused, letting my words sink in. "I'm breaking up with you—"

"Oh Bri, no, you can't break up with Dash; it's not possible," Lauren said, surprise evident on her face. If breaking up with him was such an impossible thing how come he'd broken up with so many girls in the past?

I ignored Lauren, keeping my eyes on my ex-boyfriend who looked just about ready to explode. "You used me, betrayed me and I will not let that slide. I am no longer your girlfriend and I will appreciate it if you'll stay away from me."

"You think you can just break up with me and tell me to avoid you and I'll do it?" He stood up. "That will never happen. Once you become mine you stay mine."

I shook my head. "No, this time will be different. I don't want to be your girlfriend."

"Bri, he was only helping me; please don't blame him for my mistakes," Lauren defended.

"I'm not blaming him for your mistakes. I'm blaming him for breaking my heart," I corrected her.

"I had no choice, Bri; Lauren needed my help. I couldn't have anyone get her in trouble," he argued.

"You could've told me the truth; I would've understood just like how I understood now. But you didn't do that, instead you lied to me and made me feel like an idiot. So no, I am not going to stand for this," I stated.

"You are not breaking up with me," he said as if his word was law.

"I am. We are so over." I flailed my arms for emphasis.

Dash narrowed his eyes. "You think I'm going to let you go? I will make your life a living hell if you dare break up with me," he threatened. His words would've scared me before, but now, they meant nothing. I knew he couldn't hurt me.

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