Part 26

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Part 26

"It was always difficult for Lauren to gain affection. Since the day she was born, she had been living under the shadow of her older brother, Sam. Lauren's parents adored Sam and made it clear that he was the favorite child," Dash said, getting comfortable on Lauren's bed as he started to tell me what was wrong with Lauren.

"You said was. Is Sam no longer the favorite child?" I asked. The only reason I was clamly sitting and not running away was because I realized that I was on a private island and no one would be able to take me back to Burswick. And, I was currently locked in a room.

Yup, no escape for me.

Dash shook his head. "No, Sam will always be the favorite, he is just not alive anymore." That statememt had my jaw dropping.

"Why? What happened to him?" I glanced at Lauren to see her grinning at me. An extremely creepy grin which would have me running for my life if I didn't know that she was mentally unstable.

"He died. It was so sad. I cried so much. But then I got over it. Now my life is better. I'm happy," she said.

"When Lauren was seven, she along with her family suffered from a terrible accident. They were taking a road trip to Missouri when they crashed into another car because Sam and Lauren were screaming, which distracted her father, causing him to lose control.

"The car crash killed Sam, while Lauren's parents suffered multiple injuries. She herself was seriously injured, but her parents were solely focused on the death of their favorite child.

"Once the funeral was over, Lauren's parents started blaming her for Sam's death," he finished.

Lauren's story was painful to hear. I could imagine how agonizing it was not to be loved by your parents. It made one feel utterly alone in this world. My mother left me when I was a kid, and my father never bothered loving me. So I could understand how awful she must've felt knowing that her parents preferred her brother over her.

"Sammy loved me. Now nobody loves me." Lauren pouted and if I hadn't known that she was a killer, I would've hugged her.

"That's not true, Lauren. I love you. You are my favorite cousin." Dash smiled at her, and I could see that he meant what he said.

"So, her brother's death shattered her mind?" I questioned.

"Yes and no," he answered.

"What do you mean?" I queried.

"Not being loved by your parents is a traumatic experience for a person. And that is exactly what happened to Lauren. Her childhood trauma made her vulnerable to a mental disorder. And the death of her brother along with the blame being put on her resulted in her sanity spiralling out of control," he explained.

"Oh God." I covered my mouth with my hand as I imagined myself in her place. My father never blamed me for someone's death, but he did blame me for wasting his time, and that made me feel worthless. So Lauren must be feeling a hundred times worse than me, which could easily cause her to lose her mind.

"Exactly. Lauren lost it after a couple of months due to the constant barrage of accusations and hostility by her parents. Her parents hired a psychologist for her, but they haven't exactly disclosed this little secret of theirs that their daughter is no longer mentally stable," he stated, bitterness coating his words.

"So, the psychologist hasn't figured out what's wrong with her?" I asked.

"He doesn't want to slap her with a label unless it's absolutely necessary. He is working on her symptoms right now," he answered.

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