Part 9

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Part 9

I tried to look here and there, anywhere to avoid the frosty eye contact with Dash. But no matter how much I tried to avoid the arctic glare, I could still feel it wrapping around me like a cold blanket.

"Are you all right, Bri? That Dash guy is looking at you strangely," Damian said, confusion lacing his words.

"Ignore him. If you ignore him he will go away." I had no idea what the hell I was saying, I just needed to ignore Dash until some other person stole his attention. I knew he was giving me the death stare, I could feel it choking me.

"Bri, I don't think that's how it works. Do you want me to put him in his place? Because if he is bothering you, I can rearrange his face a little to get the message across," Damian offered, as if I didn't have enough problems already.

"No, don't do that." I was more worried about Damian than about Dash. My tormentor was evil and knew how to torture people mentally, I wasn't sure about physically, but if he was the one who killed Janice, then Dash knew how to torture his victims physically as well. That thought did not sit well with me at all.

"Are you sure, because he still glaring at you." Why couldn't he stop looking at Dash? Everybody should ignore Dash, but no one in their right minds would ignore such a hot guy.

"Yes, I'm perfectly sure. I—I played a prank on him and he is not happy about it, that's why he is glaring at me." My eyes skittered to the left on their own accord and I got a glimpse of my so-called boyfriend, and boy did he look like the Devil had arrived.

Understanding dawned on Damian's face, making him look even more adorable. Why did he have to be so cute? "Oh, I see. Well, if you ask me you did the right thing. This guy is an ass and he should be put in his place. I heard someone say that he is someone very important; I don't believe it, of course." Damian scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"You are sitting on my chair." Hearing Dash's voice halted the words on my lips. I dared another glance to see him eyeing Damian as if he was a bug which needed to be exterminated as soon as possible.

"Uh, I've been sitting here for the past fifteen minutes, man," Damian replied.

"Do you have a problem comprehending my words or are you just plain stupid? I said, you are sitting on my chair. Get up and go sit somewhere else." Dash's voice rose an octave, causing everybody in the classroom to stop what they were doing and look at us. Shitballs!

Damian stood up and until he was facing Dash. I prayed for Damian's safety because Dash was going to destroy him, he was that angry. And Damian was slightly shorter than Dash. These boys needed to grow up fast!

"You look like a human so try and act like one. Go sit somewhere else. I sat here first," Damian stated.

Both the boys stared at each other, trying to make other one surrender, while I just sat there and watched them like an idiot. How could they stare at each other like that. If Dash stared at me like that, I would literally wish for the ground to open up and swallow me whole—anything to get me away from that cold, deadly glare.

"You are sitting with my girlfriend and that is unacceptable. Only I can sit with my girlfriend, so I am telling you once again to get the fuck out of here before I remove you myself," Dash threatened.

"Brielle is not your girlfriend, she told me herself how you are an asshole. So stop being a pathetic jerk and forcing yourself on other girls. Try being a man and getting girls the right way," Damian spat.

The next few seconds were surreal. One second, Damian was standing there glaring at Dash, and the next, he had fallen down on the chair with his nose gushing like a crimson fountain. While Dash had his fist in the air with droplets of blood glittering on his knuckles—Damian's blood.

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