Chapter 87

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Another day flew by, leaving only three days for the attack.

I hadn't seen the boys even once, something I was both grateful and slightly disappointed about. Aiden and I...we had to talk about what had happened, something I knew had to happen, however worried I was about it.

But Arden...oh, Arden. I still remembered our night on the roof at his house. but I didn't like him like that anymore. Somehow Aiden had taken that place. But I had to meet him, just to make things clear. I didn't know if he felt the same way anymore, but I had to talk to him, too. Though I was nauseous even thinking of that meeting.

I hadn't had any chance to talk to Maple yet. So I couldn't tell her anything. She was in our room, held back by Rubia Anise for something, while Lotus and I were visiting Vanilla, who was getting better.

She had already insisted she was fine and that she could work, but the matron wouldn't hear of it. Soldier Tickseed managed to come whenever he could, and Vanilla said he was a great comfort to her, because she was alone in the infirmary quite often.

My shock from everything was wearing off now, so I was able to pay attention to Vanilla and Lotus talking. Also the Waratah sisters, but I just ignored them. "So, you tell the matron I'm perfectly fine. My ankle doesn't even hurt now, honestly." Vanilla tried to convince Lotus. But Lotus was firm. "Nope. The matron has to say you're perfectly fine. Until then, you're not leaving."

Vanilla sighed. But Lotus and I had to leave, and we waved goodbye to her as we walked out. "Bye, Calla." Lotus said, waving to me as she went away. I started to go back to my room, too, when Maple ran up to me.

"Calla! I've been looking for you everywhere." She cried, coming up to me. She looked from side to side, saying, "Come with me." I furrowed my eyebrows, confused, but I couldn't say anything until we reached a deserted corridor, dark and silent, and completely void of guards.

"What happened, Tulip?" I whispered. It was safer to use our made-up names here. "I met Cullen. He-" She dropped her voice even lower. "He told me the rebel attack was happening at noon. Exactly at noon. That's when the solar eclipse is happening."

I nodded. "So that's when we have to be near Ivy's room." She nodded. "Yes. Now come on, we'll be suspected of we're away too long." She grabbed my hand and we walked back to our room, trying not to look as if we were rebels who were planning to kill the Queen.

To kill the Queen.

The nearer we got, the more unsure I became of my role of killing my mother. It wasn't just the logical side of it, like how I never would be able to because of how much stronger she was than me. It was also...the personal side. She was my mother, however evil and cruel and murderous.

She might have murdered my seven older sisters and countless other innocent elves, but I wasn't like her. How could I kill anyone, even if it was her? It would make me automatically like her, and that wasn't something I wanted.

Still, she would have to die if our Forest had to be saved. But how?

I shook my head, brushing these thoughts away. This wasn't the time for those kinds of thoughts. The rebels were coming in only three days. I had to kill my mother, even if I didn't feel right doing it. Because it felt even more wrong whenever I thought of someone else killing her. I couldn't imagine it. Whatever happened, it had to be me.

After coming back to the room and seeing all my fellow maids- my friends- I felt even worse. What if they were killed? They'd all become so important to me. I had to protect them too.

All the doubts and feelings kept swirling around in my head, making it hard for me to think anything sensible. Maple must also have been suffering. She was clearly preoccupied. Though she didn't have a vision from the Forest Spirit and a kiss to occupy her thoughts.

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