Chapter 58

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Aiden, Arden and I hurried towards the big tents to find Birch. It was strange, though. Every elf was inside , and there was a kind of hushed murmuring coming from inside. Instead of elves moving from tent to tent like usual.

We headed toward the biggest tent, because we figured that was where Birch would be. Just as we neared it, somebody inside cried, "What?"

Exchanging a curious look with me, Aiden pushed open the flap to find find the full-fledged panic. They all had various shades of fear on their faces as they were standing in a large circle around a table. "Dad, what's going on?" Arden asked cautiously.

"The Queen. She's coming."

We all stared at him as he continued. "Only fighters stay behind. Get the families to safety. Go, everyone!" I caught Arden's eye, and saw my own panic reflected back as everyone around us ran out of the tent, to warn the others.

I think my heart topped beating for a moment when I realized what was happening. She was attacking, again. How close was she? How did she know where we were? Was it my fault? I felt a headache coming on, but unlike the ones that had plagued me from birth, this one was caused by plain stress.

"How?" Aiden asked when hardly any people were left. "Is it because of me?" I asked breathlessly. Birch paused, right about to go out. He had apparently thought my question was worth answering.


My heart started beating again (though rapidly). "But then how is she coming?" Arden asked quickly. "A traitor." Birch rushed out, presumably to find Grove and Meadow.

"It has to be one of the new soldiers." Aiden said, as soon as he was gone. "What?" Arden asked. "Think about it. If any other elf was the traitor, they'd have given away our location a long time ago. It has to be a soldier from the palace, who's just come."

"Maple." I gasped. "Come on!" I ran out of the tent, followed by the twins. Everyone was running around, gathering supplies and weapons. How were we ever going to find Maple in this chaos? All the elves were doing what we were doing- looking for somebody.

"She went with Fawn and Meadow!" Arden cried, and we changed direction, running to the fringes of the camp. From there, we turned and looked around, not seeing anyone in particular, just bodies running around. Where was Maple?

"Elvina!" We turned in unison to see Maple running towards us. I gratefully grabbed her in a hug, which she returned briefly, only to push me away. "What happened?" Arden asked. I noted the tear running down her cheek.

"Fawn and Meadow. They're gone!"

"What?" Aiden cried. "Fawn and...Meadow?" Arden said, looking stunned. 'Fawn and Meadow?' I echoed silently. They were so young...were they in the camp, or...

"Let's find Dad!" Aiden cried, leading us back into the fray. The elves were separating. Everyone was armed, but the children were being led away by some adult elves, non-fighters. The fighters, though less in number, looked fierce with their families' lives resting on their shoulders.

Birch was not in the front of the lines, where I supposed he would be. We ran to the back, where Grove and he, looking very disheveled, were looking around frantically. "Boys!" Grove cried thankfully. "Where's Meadow?" Birch asked, his face creased with worry.

Maple shook her head. "Fawn and Meadow...they aren't here." Both parents' faces turned even more despairing as they turned towards the front. "Then where..." Grove's voice trailed off as shapes emerged from the nearby Forest.

Ivy's soldiers weren't coming. They were already here.

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