Chapter 55: The Code Word

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Adam's boots were slushing in the mud in the backyard. He jiggled the keys to the shed in his left hand as he held gasoline cans in the other. The gas bounced and splashed around inside the container. He slid the key into the lock on the wooden door. He pulled the door open and put the gas cans away where they belonged.

"There we go," he smacked his hands together.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kathrine asked Zach from his passenger seat.

Zach turned off the highway and onto the long back road that took them to the lake house.

"Derrick's going to be there. I haven't seen him in a while," Zach said.

"Do you trust Adam?" Kathrine asked. "I'm okay with Derrick being mad at you if that means we don't have to deal with RED."

"I don't want to deal with RED either," he shrugged his shoulder. He thought that was obvious. "...but I'm sure we're safe," his voice was shaky.

"I don't know about this, babe." Kathrine rubbed her forehead.

"We won't stay long... how's that sound?" Zach was a little more enthusiastic about that.

"Thank you," she sighed with relief. She turned to him, "I want a code word."

The road was getting bumpier as the car bounced from pothole to pothole.

"Say your knee is hurting," Zach took his left hand off the wheel and rubbed his kneecap.

"Sounds good to me," Kathrine leaned back in the seat. "I'm nervous, Zach."

"Me too..." he whispered.

"Is Adam RED?" Kathrine said.

"If he is, he won't hurt you. I don't care what it takes to keep you safe. You're mine," he told her.

She could feel her heart rate rising. Anxiety? Love? She didn't know the exact word to place on it, but she liked this feeling. The warmness on the inside... she hadn't felt this way since Florida...

"He's not RED." Zach turned on the turn signal and pulled into the long driveway. As his headlights finally broke through the darkness and hit the lake house, there he was.

Adam leaned with his left hand on the front door for support as he yanked his muddy boots off his feet. He grabbed them by the opening and placed them on the first porch step. He leaned up and waved at the approaching car.


Pam held her daughter tight. She didn't want Natalie to go out to the lake house, but she knew she needed it. She was going to be okay. At least, that's what she kept telling herself.

"Natalie... I know Sheriff Mullins has the gun..." Pam let go of Natalie and grabbed her hand. "I need my baby to still be here in the morning." Pam walked out of the kitchen and into her and Robert's bedroom. She emerged from the green door frame with something for Natalie.

"I haven't asked Robert... he would be okay with it..." Pam opened her hands to another pistol. The gray barrel and wooden handle shined from the overhead kitchen lights.

"I messed up last time... I can't do it—" Natalie started.

"I don't care. If someone tries to hurt you..." Pam handed the gun to Natalie and wrapped her daughter's hands around it. " shoot."

"I love you, Mom." Natalie met eyes with her mom. Tears were starting to build up in Pam's eyes.

Natalie opened her bag and slid the gun inside.

Honk. Honk.

Natalie turned to the door. "Evelyn's here to get me."

"Don't shoot her again," Pam chuckled as she wiped her running nose from her emotions.

"Only if I have to," Natalie said. She zipped her bag and walked outside.

***What was Adam doing with gas cans? Are Zach and Kathrine making the right choice? Will Natalie have to use her gun?

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