Chapter 31: The Knock

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"That wasn't me that was shot. I'm still here."

"I'm sorry... who is this?"

"I like the name you gave me," they chuckled into the burner phone.

"I didn't catch your name..."

"You'll see why I'm doing this. I'm not stopping."

The nervous secretary in the police station waved at Deputy Evans. She ran to the desk and hit speaker. "Can you please state your name?"



The secretary looked at Deputy Evans. Her eyebrows were raised in not only confusion but also shock. "What do we do?"

Deputy Evans leaned up and nodded to Sheriff Mullins as he approached the desk.


Kathrine and her mom grabbed their bags out of the airport and shuffled into the taxi cab. The air was warmer than what they had gotten used to in Tennessee. Kathrine and her mom were always talking, but this time they were together in silence. She didn't know exactly what to say. It was like the burden of what she had done was pulling her underwater. She couldn't talk. She could barely breathe.

Finally, she could get something out. "How long will we be here?"

"I'm not expecting it to be too long. Maybe a week? We'll see." Her mom scratched her elbow in a nervous tick and strung her hair into a ponytail. "When we get to the hotel you need to change quickly. We don't have long before we see the lawyer."


Zach sat in his room waiting on Kathrine to text him back. He was anxiously waiting to see her name pop up on his phone. He'd get those butterflies like that night at the coffee shop... just from seeing her name.

He was beginning to let the crush grow. He was letting his walls finally come down. After his parent's divorce, he didn't want the hurt to come and invade his life anymore... easier said than done.

You're nervous, Evelyn texted him from her bedroom.

No I'm not, he sent back.

You're clicking the pen you're holding so loud that it's driving me crazy.

Put in headphones, he joked with her.

He threw the pen onto his desk. It landed on his homework he should have started hours ago.

Someone's at the door, Evelyn sent.

Answer it

No. You do it. I'm tired and lazy lol

His fidgeting energy transferred into sweaty hands as he went to the front door. He wasn't nervous about answering it, but Kathrine was still on his mind.

He grabbed the knob and pulled the front door open. Zach's eyes shot open...

"Hey..." Derrick said.

**Author questions: How will Derrick and Zach interact? Will Kathrine be able to come back to Zach soon, or is he just a distraction for her? Who will be RED's next victim?

*If you liked this chapter, please hit the star to vote! That would really help me out. Also, comment your thoughts! I respond to all.

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