Chapter 25: The Shock

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"Listen to me, it's going to be okay, Natalie," Robert's hands were shaking around Natalie's face. He was trying the best he could to keep his cool for his step-daughter, but Jasper's death was wrecking his nerves, too.

"How was-- I was just--" Natalie couldn't get anything out. Her eyes were wide, and she was too shocked to let tears roll. She couldn't blink, she couldn't breathe, and she felt like everything was freezing around her. Time didn't feel like it was moving... and she wished she could have gone backward.

Deputy Evans grabbed Robert's shoulder; his gray t-shirt had a few of his tears hiding in the fabric. He turned and looked at her, hoping she would know what to say. Sadly, she had done this before.

"Honey, I'm terribly sorry... and there is nothing I can say or do to fill that hole. I can't make anything better, but it's going to be okay. I'd like to ask you a few questions if I could..."

The red and blue lights were flashing and spinning onto their faces. The cold breeze wasn't even a bother. They didn't even notice their breath forming and becoming visible in the frigid air.

Natalie looked over to Jasper's body one last time as they were being ushered away by Deputy Evans. Steam was forming above Jasper's body from the warm blood. His eyes seemed like they were following her.

I love you, she heard again in her head.

"Don't look, hun," Deputy Evans turned her head away from the ugly scene.

"I loved you too, Jasper," she whispered under her breath.


Kathrine was sitting in her living room next to her Mom, they were watching the screen anxiously waiting for Sheriff Mullins' new announcement. Fayetteville wasn't ready for another blunt force to the temple.

"We are aware that this is an urgent problem. We've lost another teen close to our hearts in this town of Fayetteville. Anyone that we lose is a devastating blow to the community..." he paused.

"It is believed to be connected to the murder of Genesis Fisher," he straightened his hat as he read from the papers on the podium in front of him. "I understand this may hurt businesses and some establishments, but after consideration with the town administration, we have come to a needed conclusion for the town," he rose up and looked directly into the camera. "I am setting forth a curfew. No one is permitted to be out in the town after 8 PM."

Kathrine let a tear roll down as she reached for her mom's shaking hand.


Clink. Clink. Clink. Clink. The metal bars clicked as they passed each other. They rang in place as they created the opening in the holding cell.

Sheriff Mullins emerged from the shadow in the opening. The moonlight from the small window was casting an eerie dark shadow on the right side of his face. "Let's go, son," he didn't look up... "be careful out there."

Derrick grabbed the bench he was sitting on to prop himself up. He rose up into the moonlight as he made his way out of the holding cell and back out to Fayetteville.

*Author Question: How do you think the dynamic will change now that Derrick will be back into the mix of things? If you liked this chapter, please hit the star to vote; this would really help me out! Please comment your thoughts! I will respond to all.

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