Chapter 11- Needed.

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"Little. Wake up." I hear a voice call out. I moan and turn over, wanting to sleep. "Go away." I mumble tiredly.

"Olivia, wake up now. You're going to be late to school." The voice calls out again. I peak my eye open to see Damien with his arms crossed from my doorway. I instantly sit it, keeping my head down, I nod and he leaves.

I take a sigh of relief that he isn't here anymore. I haven't gone to school in almost two weeks and I'm happy that I'm allowed to go back. I quickly get up and dressed, brushing my teeth and my hair. I make sure to grab a scarf and wrap it around my neck.

I walk into the kitchen to find Damien already eating, the seat next to him is open with a plate of all types of food on it too. I sit down cautiously and slowly start to eat my food.

"After school, we are going to eat out with some of my coworkers. You are coming too." Damien says.

I look at him with wide eyes, I nod. I remember last night and quickly swallow my food. "Yes sir." I answer him. Damien smiles proudly at me.

"Let's go, you're going to be late." He says, standing. I stand too and grab my bag, following him out to his car.

Once I get to school, I wait for Damien to open my door. I get out and start walking only to realize that Damien is on my heels, following me. Not this again...

I ignore all the stares and walk straight to my classroom, sitting down in the back. I see that Damien isn't here anymore and I slump back. I can finally be away from him for more then 30 minutes.

"Nice to see you again Olivia." I hear a voice next to me. I slowly turn to see Jake sitting there. I look around and notice that all his friends are sitting around me, blocking me in.

I gulp and look back to Jake, "leave me alone Jake." I say quietly. I see him reach his hand out and I flinch away, expecting a slap or hit of some sort but all he is doing is waving at another one of his friends.

He looks at me in confusion and then shakes his head like I'm the one thats crazy. I sigh and try to think of something for escaping Damien. I can't run, I already tried that, so what else could I do?

"Comes on students! It's time to learn!" I hear the teachers voice. I pay attention and ignore the stare of Jake on the side of my face.

Once the bell rings at the end of class, I jump up and basically sprint out of the class, avoiding having to to talk to anyone. I'm looking behind me when I bump into someone, I look up to see Brian.

He smiles down at me and steadies me, I give him a small smile back. "Hey Olivia! Long time no see!" He says happily. I nod and smile at him for his kindness, "you too Brian. I better get to class." I say, nodding my head in the direction I need to go.

"Of course, of course! Hope to see you soon Olivia!" He says and I walk off, just waving at him in goodbye. I get to my class and sit down, taking a deep breath.

It's finally lunch and I get my food, walking over to my loner table. "Hey! Where have you been? You left me alone for like a month." I hear a voice behind me. I turn to see Clara, giving me a fake glare.

I laugh and motion for her to sit down while I try to think of a excuse to why I have been gone. "I-uh- moved and I needed to get things sorted out." I say, trying my best to show that I'm not lying.

She stares at me and shrugs, "Hey so you wanna have a girls night. We can stay at my place or yours and watch movies!" She says, munching on her greasy school pizza.

I nibble on my nachos and shake my head, "I can't, I have a dinner with people tonight. Maybe tomorrow but I will have to ask." I say.

She nods and stuffs her face with more pizza. Clara I became friends not long ago. She moved here and we started talking. Clara is a gothic and has a girlfriend that lives the next town over.

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