Chapter 3- No

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I wake up the next morning extra early, so I know that I will have time to hang out with my family. It's already 6AM by the time I get downstairs to eat breakfast. I walk in to see my parents silently eating breakfast, I sit down at the table and fix me a bowl of cereal.

"When is he coming?" I whisper, hoping that last night was just a nightmare but I know it's not. My parents look at me with somber faces while I keep my eyes trained on my cereal.

"8, in about 2 hours." I hear my mom say, I quickly look up with tears in my eyes. "That early? Mom, I don't want to go. Can't we do something, you can get a lawyer and-and." I choke on my words, my dad quickly comes around the table and hugs me.

"We can but we will never win, he has a lot of power. But if you really don't want to go, we can get a lawyer but chances are... we would be going to jail in no time." He says turning to my mother, she nods, agreeing with him.

I sigh, knowing I'm being self-centered about this. "No, it's okay, he can't do anything. I will keep my phone on me at all times and maybe buy pepper spray or something." I say, trying to lighten up the mood. No one laughs.

My mom wipes her tears and stands, "I have something for you, just in case..." She trails off and walks out of the kitchen, my dad and I following. She goes to a small box on the top shelf between books and pictures.

She opens it and pulls out a beautiful necklace. "This was passed down through three generations." She puts it in my hands. I feel tears go down my face but I don't stop them. "I wanna give this to you Olivia. If he ever hurts you in any kind of way, I want you to escape from him and never return. Promise me you will try if he hurts you. Promise me Olivia." I nod my head, holding tight to the necklace. "Yes mom, I will, I promise."

We hug and she tells me to go pack. I get to my room and look around at all the memories. I go to my closet and take out my travel suitcase, starting to pack all my clothes and things I will need. When I finish I look at the time and see it's just about 7:30.

I head downstairs, going to the kitchen but stop when I see Damien sitting down with my mom and dad. My dad looks super mad while my mom is crying with her hands shaking slightly. Dad sees me first and tells me to go away with his eyes but before I can do anything Damien turns to me.

"Olivia, so lovely to see you again. I hope that you are ready to leave." I take a step back and gape at him. "I still have 30 minutes before I have to leave and say goodbye." Damien looks irritated but nods. I rush to my parents, hugging them and telling them that I will call everyday."

I was in the middle of talking with my mom when I feel a grip on my upper arm. "It's time to go. My driver already got your bags in the car." I quickly hug my mom and dad one more time before being dragged out of my home and into Damien's limo.

I sit far away from him, silently crying, I hear him sigh. I feel a hand on my knee and I quickly tug it away. Not sure what to do, I look at him to see that he looks like he has been hurt. Feel it's the right time, I ask him the question that been stuck in my mind for the last 12 hours.

"W-what do you want with me?" I feel my heart pounding when his eyes connect with mine. He studies my face, not saying a word. Minutes pass before he speaks up.

"You Olivia, I want you."

I quickly face the other way, feeling my face go hot. I start to shake, not sure what he will do with me. I need that pepper spray, maybe I can get a job and earn money to escape.

The car door opens and I jump out, not wanting to be in that car any longer. I look around me and see that we are at very expensive apartments. "Like what you see Little?" I turn to see Damien with a smirk on his face. "Come on Little,  you have yet to see the inside." He takes my hand and drags me inside while I think about what kind of nickname is 'Little'?

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