Chapter 9:Tomb Raider

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I'm in this massive garage room and started searching something that is useful for me to build a weapon. Later, princess called me and wants me to be on her room. "I don't have to talk princess, I'm busy" I answered on the phone. "Sorry that I bother you, but I want you to be on my room please" princess said. I make an angry slash embarrassed face and teleport to princess room. "What do you want?" I ask deeply. "Geze, there's no need to be rude here, I'm saying that I need help" princess said. She's holding a mission folder and gently hand it to me. "I want you to go to Lara's mansion and help her out" princess said. I open the mission folder and take a look at it. "Hey Richard, I want you to go to Lara's mansion. Where exactly? It's located in Marseille, France, where Lara is in her homeland. Her father died because he got killed by this girl name Natla in Thailand. Lara doesn't know why his father died like that, but I was hoping that you comfort her with confidence. You will work with her with two mission. Yes, two mission in one folder that you're reading right now....maybe? This first mission that I want you to check is the tomb artifact. Here's a picture of what the tomb artifact looks like". The picture show me an artifact that look Egyptian. "So I want you to go there and get it for her. Also, once you're in the dangerous mission with Lara, please protect her because she's my friend. It'll be weird if she is my fiances. Anyway, back where I'm saying. Now we can talk about the second mission. The second mission is to get your hand into that orb of candle of life. I know it sounds like it doesn't make any sense, but it's actually a shape of an orb that is a candle of life. Here's a picture." This picture shows that it's an orb that glows in the dark very bright. "Well, that's all I got to tell you what this mission is, I don't know what the other is, so feel free to go and ask Lara what the other mission is. Good luck and remember to protect Lara from danger. Your princess - Princess Emilia Andrew". I close the mission folder and look at princess. "Okay, I'll met up with her in France" I said. "Thanks, just to let you know, she's a marvelous person and a good friend, so please protect her" princess smile. I took a ship can and drive all the way to France.

Marseille France 10:36 a.m.

I'm riding in the motorcycle with helmets on and a backpack. I also had a GPS that lead me to Lara's house. Thirty six miles later, I've finally reach to Lara's house. So I take off my helmet, parked my motorcycle, and enter Lara's mansion. One guard stopped me from entering the mansion. "Can I see your identification please?" one guard ask. I pull out my ID card and show it to the guard. "Okay, you can pass now" one guard said. I got my ID card back and entered Lara's mansion. When I'm in her living room, I saw her doing stunts trick onto the bungee wire. "Nice move on the bungee wire Lara" I comment. Lara safely landed on the ground and cutely look at me. "Thanks,,,you must be Richard Ricky Quinn right?" Lara ask and she begins to unhook herself from the bungee wire. "Correct, do you know Emilia Andrew?" I ask. "Yeah, I know her at Miami,  she's a wonderful person" Lara answered. "I see that I got receive from princess and she told me to help you on your mission. The triangle of life, the orb that is the candle of life, anything you wanted to collect and also telling me what you want me to collect" I said. "Indeed, I just wanted to collect an artifact so I can solve a mystery and a puzzle. So I call Emilia and tell her which person is more helpful. The answer she called out is you, Richard Ricky Quinn" Lara said. "I'm just doing my job" I added. "Anyway, here's your mission today" Lara said and she handed me a picture. The picture shown that it's a triangular shape with an eye on the middle. It also made out of artifactual stone. "We're going to the place called Venice Italy, where you will start your mission there" Lara said. "Then let's do it" I replied and headed to Venice Italy.

Venice Italy 1:26 p.m.

Here I am driving in the car while Lara is typing something about the clock that she found from the mansion. For fun, I'm just go ahead and keep talking to Lara. "So Lara...what's the clock gonna do in this mission?" I ask. "It's my father's old clock, and inside is a key that unlock something. Right now, you're going to take me to the mansion, or should I say a bidding room" Lara answered as she close her laptop. "Let me guess, people are going to bid in your father's old clock right?" I ask. "No, I'm going to meet someone. I want you to stay in the car and wait for me to come back okay?" Lara ask. "Sure" I answered and parked the car in the tower garage. Lara got out from the car and look at me in the window. "I'll see you later. When you're in the car, please feel free to play around without making a huge mess" Lara said. "I promise you I won't make a mess at this car" I said. "Good" she said and she walks away. My phone rang and I answered it. "Hello?" I ask. "Hi Richard, just wanted to to call you and see how you doing with Lara" princess said. "Actually, I'm feeling great, or should I say feeling marvelous. You're right about Lara, she's an amazing person" I answered. "Told you. Anyway, here's someone I want you to know" princess said and she send me a picture from my phone. "This guy name is Brice, he's a hacker and a very intelligent person. He works with Lara, including the butler, Hilary" princess explained. I turn the next page from my phone, wanted princess to explain some more information. "This picture that you're looking at is Alex West, he;s a friend of Lara" princess said. I turn the next screen, still wanted more information. "This guy that Lara is targeting is Jonathan. Of course, he's trying to get his hand of the tomb key that has been found on her father's old clock" princess explained more. "So that's the guy who;s trying to get his hand on the tomb ket that Lara found" I said. "Correct. Like I said, please protect her whatever his men is trying to kill her. Anyway, back to the information that I suppose to talk about to you. Your mission is to target Jonathan and place him under arrest. I hope you know what you're doing" princess said. "Don't worry princess, I heard everything that you told. You told me to protect Lara from danger, Alex West is a victim to me and you, well of course you wanted him to be a victim to us, and target down Jonathan from hurting Lara, I got it, trust me" I said. "Okay, don't fail me" princess said and she hung up. Lara comes back in the car that I'm in. "You seem very mature and you didn't make a mess around the car. Good for you, do you miss me?" Lara said. "What if I say no?" I ask and started driving. "Then I'm not impressed" Lara answered. "Then yes, I miss you...already" I answered Lara's question. "Toche" Lara comment. In Lara's mansion, I'm practicing throwing knife on the wooden bull side. I just wanted to practice my accuracy, that way I can throw a perfect shot during the war Lara steps outside taking a deep breathe through the breeze. "How you doing Richard?" Lara ask. "Pretty good" I answered and throw a knife in the middle of the bull side. "Nice shot, but not a nice shot to his a guy who's riding a vehicle" Lara said. "Can you test me that I can shot a guy who's riding a vehicle?" I ask Lara. When Lara set up something for me, there's cowboys riding onto the horses. Lara hand me a bow and arrows, so I can shot the cowboys down. "Let's see if you can deal with this" Lara said. I stretch the bow with an arrow and aim a shot that I wanted to go. Lara walks away. "Good luck" Lara said. I let go and shot the cowboy. The cowboy got hit and fell down on the ground. "Yes" I whispered and continue shooting all nine cowboys by shooting it in the torso, in the leg, in the shoulder, in the gut, and mostly shoot all of them in the armpit. I laugh so hard, I'm enjoying myself. "You cowboys give up?!" I shouted across the cowboys. I think they're give up and I walk away, continue working on my accuracy. When I throw one knife in the wooden bull side, I find out that my accuracy is perfectly great. "Seems like I did it, thanks Lara" I whispered. At dawn, Lara is working out by jumping a fifty feet ledge with a bungee jump. I check on Lara to see how she's doing while I'm brushing my teeth. "Hey Lara, if you need anything, I'll be in my room that Hilary show me" I said and walk to my room. "Okay, be safe" Lara said and she continues working out with a bungee jump. I enter my room and doing something onto my computer. I also grab a puzzle book that Lara wants me to solve. The best part, she's challenging me to solve Sudoku. Ninety minutes later, I'm sensing some one is coming to rob her. I quickly put on m mask and grab the staff weapon. I also got out of my room and preparing to fight. When I check on Lara, I saw her hiding on top from the chandeliers. Meanwhile, the men crash down right above from the glass rooftop and started shooting at Lara. I teleport right above and cut down all the bug cords that the men is riding onto. "Richard, get into the storage!" Lara shouted. "On it!" I respond and headed to the storage room. I teleport right in front of the guys who trying to get the tomb key. "If you want that tomb key, you have to get through me first" I said and I'm holding a staff weapon. All of the men begin to shoot me, so I teleport right behind them and behind choking one guard down. I kick the other man and break the other man in the neck that I choked. I wiped hit the other man that I kick and hit the other guy in the neck, causing him to choke. The guy is about to pull the trigger and has a chance to shoot me, so I smack the gun off of his hand and hardly smash kick him in the face. I uppercut swing to the other guy and kick him in the torso, hitting the other guy right behind it. I perform my last move by putting back my staff weapon and quickly fire punch all the rest of the man. Lara enters in the storage room that I'm in. "Nice job, Richard" Lara gives me a compliment. "Thank you Lara, and nice job dealing with some guys who's trying to kill you" I said. "Thanks" Lara said. "So...what now?" I ask. "I don't know, maybe we need to study about the key that I found in my father's old clock" Lara said. "Then let's get started" I said and I immediately studying the tomb key. I did some research onto my laptop and it says here that the key is going to be attach somewhere in New Mexico. So I head to New Mexico with Lara while she got the key with her

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