Chapter 1:Foxes

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In this very unknown island called Foxes, the mother and her daughter are running away from her lab and the guards chasing her. She's been accused for stealing someone's idea and stealing the same elements. Mary and Pearls are running away from the guards through the forest. Meanwhile, they've been surrounded by the guards. Mary pull out of the grenades and pull out the trigger knob right in front of the guards. "Don't come any closer!" Mary yelled. Pearls hugged Mary on the back of her hips. "Mommy, I'm scared" she said. The men from the helicopter shines a light on Mary. "Throw your grenades away and surrendered now! We don't want anyone to get hurt" the men from the helicopter said. "Mommy, do something, I'm scared" Pearls said. Mary crouch down, hold both Pearl's shoulders and look at her eyes. "Pearls, I want you to run away as fast as you can run further away from this area. Can you do that?" Mary asked. "But mommy, what about you? Are you going to be okay?" Pearls asked. The men from the helicopter gave out a warning. "This is your last chance, surrendered now or we'll open fire!" the men shouted. Pearls is crying in tears. "Mommy, I don't want you to be dead" Pearls said. "Just go!" Mary shouted. Mary push Pearls away begging for mercy that she needs to run to safety. Mary turns around and drop the grenade. "Open fire!" one guard yelled. They shot Mary and the grenade exploded into giant flames. Mary looks back and saw a huge gulped flames. Pearls find a place to hide and found a hidden caves. She enters a hidden cave and cried because her mother performs a sacrificed. Pearls doesn't know what to do next but prefers staying under the cave.

Five years later...

Tysorraus Rex looks up on the news from the website and found something interesting. "Were reporting from the island called Foxes to tell you to find the girl name Pearls. She's a daughter of Mary who's been killed by performing a suicide. The guards were trying their best finding Pearls is, but they don't know where she is. The government will give an award for someone who founded Pearls. Were standing by for the government of the Foxes Island". The government is speaking from the news reported based on the video from the website. "Were looking for Pearls and I'll bet she's somewhere around this island. I'll give an award for someone who founded her and bring her to me. She's been reported a plagiarism and stealing. If someone knows where she is, please contact us as soon as possible" the government said. The video ended and Tysorraus Rex is making a new mission. Tysorraus Rex knocked the door from Richard Ricky Quinn's office. I stand up and answer the door. "Hi boss, what can I do for you?" I asked. "Richard, I want you to go to Foxes island and deal with this file. I want you to go and save this victim name Pearls. she needs help" Tysorraus Rex said. I grab a file and read some more information about this mission. I grab my laptop and do some research and I found out that Pearls's mother has died by performing a suicide. Also, she's been accused by performing a plagiarism and stealing. The guards and the government and trying their best getting their hands on Pearls. I called my friend Mary. "Hey Mary, how do you like working with me" I said. Mary teleported to my office. "Let's do this" she said. I grab my katana, TMP, and my special gun Eagle 19" so I'm getting ready. I called all the rest of my friends Derek Aaron Dick, Jennifer Lee Thompson, Miles Hulk Samus, Mike Tyson Lee, Kursty De La Bonneirow, Lauren De Sonneirow, Tracey Seasame Hoison, Ana Glory Provoline, Carrisa Matthew Coolin, Lisa Wilsky Pelvisky, Sarah Liang Lui,  Sarah Ospensky Louis,Lisa Tony Simpsons, Nancy Diana Cager, Amy Gillion Turner, Mike Samo Motosuba, Nick Digtsu Dbtuosa, Morgan Joyce Threeze, Chuck Brad Bronxer, Olivia Evie Winkler, Taylor Pinu Nightson, Evelyn Su Hagei, Issac Newton Walker, John Lil Chainy, Edward Ahumada, and Emilio Jackson Perez. I telled them to meet me at the Foxes island. Me and Mary teleported together to Foxes island. Mary knows exactly what to do because she's a god of phycics. She can read people's mind and reading people's action. I ran towards the forest and finally reach to the town to the center of the Foxes island. It took me about 10 minutes to reach to the center of the Foxes island. Mary is right behind me didn't say a word to me. All she did was just following me. "Mary, I'll go by myself. I'll talk to the government by myself okay?" I asked. Mary teleported into a different location on the Foxes island. The two guards stopped me from entering the government house. "Hey, do you have a permission to enter the government house?" one guard asked. "No, but I want to ask a government a question" I said. "Well you don't have a permission to enter the government house. So gave me an honor and pissed off" one guard said. I pull out my Killing Spree badge. "What the fuck is this? I've never heard of agent Killing Spree before" one guard said. "You know what?" I asked. I grab one guard's head and throw him onto the other guard crotch. I walk past the guard and the other guards push the sound the alarm button. "Intruder, intruder, someone is entering a building without permission!" one guard yelled. 100 guards surrounded me and I pull out my staff weapon. I hit one guard out by hitting him on the head, hit the other guard at his groin, and hit five guards by throwing a fireball at them with my staff. I hit one guard in the leg and fell down hard on the ground, slap one guard on the face and hit him in the torso hard, hit one guard in the ribs and push him towards 4 guards. I knocked out one guard and burn 5 guards into pieces. I put away my staff weapon and I perform a windmill kicking 15 guards down causing a brutal concussion. I throw a massive small dynamite and blown 20 guards of from the government building. I perform 64 hands punch while my fists is burning and knock out 10 guards by punching one guard fast on the torso, punch 2 guards on the face and  the arm, grab one guard's leg and throw him to the other 2 guards, and smash 2 guards skulls and smash the other 2 guards arm. I blinded 5 guards and push them all hard towards the wall. I pull out a katana and cut them onto the ribs making them feel weak and knock out the other 5 guards. I performed a butterfly kick multiple times on 20 guards. Finally, I pull out my staff and wiped out 10 guards. I put away my weapon and I spotted the government escaping to the helicopter. So I chase him by running towards the helicopter and grabbed the railings. My body feels like that I have to let go, but I have to life myself up all the way to the surface. The government grab the gun and almost point a gun at me. I force myself to life all the way to the surface of the helicopter and stopping the government from killing me by shooting at me. I kick  the government leg and his crotch so I have a chance to knock him down. I pointed the gun at the pilot. "Land it down" I said. The pilot gently land on the bottom of the surface and I drag the government out of the helicopter. I call my boss. "Boss, I got the government, what do you want me to do with him?" I ask. "Nice job Richard, take him to the prison room" Tysorraus Rex said. "Okay" I said deeply. I teleported with the government tied him up, and locked him up in the prison. I teleported back into my office and work on the plan. My friends teleported to my office and joined me of making a plan. Mary is making a plan for me and anyone else who joined me. "Okay, here's the plan. Ricky is going to the prison and figuring out the answer of why did he want to get his hand on Pearls. Aaron will go on the town and tell everyone to move out. Hulk and Tyson, you'll guard the people and protect them while they're going in the motherboard ship. All of the rest of you girls will find Pearls. And Brad, please don't be pushy on the survivors okay?" Mary said. Brad sign angrily. "Fine" he said fustrately. Mary's plan is very interesting, Mary clump up her hands happily. "Okay, that settles, I'll see you guys later once this mission is done for good" Mary said happily. My mind is thinking why Mary is making a smile face during the mission while were taking it serious. Anyway, my friends and I teleported into a same location, Foxes island. Our job is to find Pearls and take her to safety. All of the sudden, I'm starting to feel like that were about to make the island exploded by bombs and dynamite. Aaron is trying his best helping people getting out of this island. I teleported back into the motherboard ship and talk tot he government of Foxes island who's been tied up in the chair and in the prison cell. "Why do you want to get your hands on Pearls?" I asked. "It was none of your business" the government answered. I slap him in the face forcing him to tell why, but that doesn't work. The government spit right beside him. "Ha! You think that scares me?" he asked. I pull out my katana and place it right next to his neck. "Tell me or I'll cut your head off" I said. The government freaks out. "Okay okay! I'll tell you why" the government speaks out. I grab his shirt and drag face to face to hi. "Explain, now" I said. "I wanted to know why Pearl's mother stole the elements and performs a plagiarism. Meanwhile, 3 of my guards open fire at Mary and she dropped the grenade causing a huge explosion. She performs a suicide, but her daughter was out there somewhere hiding from us. Were trying our best finding her, but it was too difficult to them. So I decided to tell everyone who live in this island to find Pearls. Once they found her, I'll give someone the rewards whoever found her and I'm going to tortured her. Besides, I love her and I want to tortured her" the government explain. "You son of a bitch!" I shouted. I punch him in the face and teleported to the island finding Pearls somewhere in the forest. Lee grab my shoulder behind me. "Hey! What are you doing here? You suppose to go to the prison room and force the government to explain why is he trying to get his land on Pearls" Lee said. "I just did" I said. "I'll bet she's somewhere around the forest and I'm going to find her". Mary appears out of nowhere and trying her best finding her with her mind. "She's somewhere in the forest and she's somewhere in those rocks everywhere in the forest" Mary said. "Okay, let's find her before the guards did" I said. I ran into the forest and trying my best finding her. Mary use her mind power and easily track her down. "I think I know where she is" Mary said. She ran into the rocks that she saw and use her mind power to move it away so she can get through. "Looks like I found a cave" Mary said. "You surely found it alright" Lee said. Mary,  Lee, and I enter the cave and saw Pearls sleeping under the cave. My mind is thinking how did the big rock cover the cave so easy. It seems like she easily drag it and close it so the guards won't find her. Anyway, Mary and Lee help her out in the cave and safely drag her in the forest. "We better get out of here before the guards know that we found her" I said. "There they are, kill them, they have our government!" one guard shouted. "Shit! Everybody get in the ship" Aaron yelled. "You girls take Pearls to safety, I'll deal with them" I said. "Be careful" Mary said. Mary and Lee are running while carrying Pearls to safety. "Come on Pearls, you can make it" Lee said it to Pearls. I pull out my katana and perform a very brutal action. Aaron, Hulk, Tyson, and Brad help me out. "Did you guys take the people from this island to safety?" I asked. "Yep, they all inside the motherboard ship" Aaron answered. Tyson freeze all the guards and hit once each of the guards and all of the guard's body falling in pieces. I slice their body by cutting their arms and legs. Hulk use his rocky fist and performs a critical hit in the torso and the face. Brad in the other hand wrestle them down and hardly knock them out by punching. Mary and Lee finally take Pearls to safety and put her in the bed from my office. Mary alerted me with the power of communicating to the brain. "Pearls is finally safe, retreat now" she says it in her mind to my mind. "Everyone in the motherboard ship, retreat!" I shouted. Hulk, Aaron, Brad, and Tyson finally made it in the mother board ship, including me. Tammy release a nitrious gas on the ship and went off to space. "We did it guys, we finally completed this mission" I said. 5 of us teleported to my office and check up on Pearls to see that she's okay. Mary is sitting in the chair healing Pearls concussion. "She'll be fine for about an hour or more" Mary said. "Okay, so...what should we do guys?" I asked. "I'm just go ahead and play Mortal Kombat. I need to practice the kombo" Hulk said. "I need to exercise more" Brad said. "For me, I need to eat some tasty frozen treat" Tyson said. "I'm playing electronic stuff, which of course I love to do that so I'm just go play Mortal Kombat with Hulk" Aaron said. Mary stands up from the chair. "I need to study more" Mary said. "I want to do some snapchatting" Lee said. "You guys do whatever you want because I'm going to use my laptop and checking out my Google Plus" I said. My friends teleported to the different room and doing their business for a while.

5 hours later...

Pearls wake up feeling a lot better. She touch her forehead to feel bump and bruises. I turn around and saw her wake up. "Where am I?" Pearls asked. "You're at my office, you're safe and you're in the good place" I said. Pearls look around the room and saw amazing thing that came in my office. "Stay here and look around, I need to call someone" I said to Pearls. I'm calling Mary to tell that Pearls awake. Mary teleported to my office. "Don't worry Ricky, I know" Mary said. Wilsky teleported to my office and checking on Pearls to see that she feels better. Wilsky is checking her mouth and her eyes to see if it was well or not. "Okey Pearls, you look definitely fine and you're good to go" Wilsky said. Pearls forgot to tell me something. ""Hey mister, what's your name?" Pearls ask. "My name is Richard Ricky Quinn, you can called me Ricky if you want" I said. "Listen Richard, there's something I want to tell you something and it's very important" Pearls said. "I'm listening" I said. "Well, I want you to go to my mother's lab or my lad to get my elements. That element is everything to me and I won't let it out of my sight. The elements that my mother left gives me good memories between me as a child and my mother when my mom got her first job there. Please help me and get the element from my mother's lab, it's everything to me" Pearls said. "Okay, let me see what I can do" I said. I'm working on a plan by myself. It seems like I've already know where Pearl's mother lab is. "Time to get to work" I talk by myself.

Foxes Island 9:30 p.m.

I sneak in a military base and reach all the way to the lab. I climb up to the roof and enter the vents so I have a chance to go to Pearl's lab. I found a door that has 4-digit number, so I call Mary to know that it's there. "What can I do for you?" Mary asked. "I want you to tell me a 4-digits number so I can get through the lab" I said. "Are you suppose to teleport through without breaking the code?" Mary asked. "Nevermind" I respond. I leap out of the vent and teleported through the door to Pearl's lab. I spotted that there's an elements has been locked in a clear box cage. I smash it through with my burning fist and caught an element that I need to get for Pearls. Meanwhile,, the alarm went off and the guards are investigating the lab to see what is going on. I grab the elements immediately  and I ran towards the exit right down the hallway. I keep running outside and Tammy leared me a ladder. "Richard, climb up" Tammy shouted. I jump off the cliff and grab a ladder instantly. I force myself to reach all the way to the surface of the motherboard ship. I teleported to the office and Pearls is getting worry about the elements that brings her good memories. I finally reach to my office and Pearls got up from the chair. "Do you got the elements?" Pearls asked. "Yes, I did" I answered. I give the elements to Pearls. "This elements is everything to me, I want to thank you for helping me, I own you one" Pearls said. "You don't own me anything" I said. "I might as well work for people that I can trust instead of someone who wanted to help me. If you're interested of helping me, I don't mind, but thanks anyway". I let Pearls go sleep at her own room and I support her by giving her supplies such as cloths, blanket, computer, food, and anything else that she wanted. Pearls felt very good once she's in a motherboard ship. I went to my bed and fell asleep, waiting for the next mission.

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