Chapter 8:Pokemon Down

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I've just ordered a new king size mattress and bring it to my office. I've also ordered more blankets, one hundred of them of course. I place one hundred blankets onto the king size mattress before my Cyndaquil climbs in. Cutely, my Cyndaquil pop out from the pile of blankets, seeing he's having fun. "Do you like to be warm Cyndaquil?" I ask. Cyndaquil really likes to be warm, I can actually tell the look on it's face. All the rest of my pets join with Cyndaquil by jumping in the piles of blankets. Lookslike my pets also likes to be warm too. Later, I've receive an email to Ash Ketchum, the king of Pokemon. "Hi Richard, you like to capture more Pokemon? If so, please let me know in the hangout. There's a lot of cute animals around the world and I want you to capture them. Also, I must warn you. Team Rocket wants to get their hands on my Pikachu. I won't let that happen again, I might as well save the world and save a lot of Pokemon who's in danger by being kidnapped or being tortured by them. Jesse, James, and Meowth wants to kidnapped my Pikachu, so I want you to handle them with their crazy idea up on their heads. Tysorraus Rex, or should I say "Your boss", will guide you to this mission. I think he watch Pokemon since he was like...five or something. Anyway, it was none of my business. All the rest of the Pokemon needs a hero, and that hero is me. You could be a hero too, you just have to protect them, like my Bulbasaur. You like Pokemon right? Oh, I totally forgot, I already ask you that earlier. Nevermind that, go out there and save all the Pokemon. Your friendly Pokemon hero - Ash Ketchum". Whenever I finished reading an email that Ash sent me, my boss also send me an email too. "Hi Richard, allow me to tell you more information about what Ash told you in your email. You see, you are working on five mission files, which of course is meeting Mewtwo, work together with Mewtwo, collecting the different variation of Pokemon's power, solving the code, and protecting these two legendary Pokemon, Celeb and Suicoon. Here is your next mission. First of course. This is the location that Mewtwo is hiding". the picture shown the longitude and latitude that Mewtwo is hiding. "I want you to go there and see Mewtwo, just join with him. Don't like...try to beat him okay? Because he's powerful and his power is psychic, same power as Mirriah. Okay, you know what? You should bring Mirriah with you, just incase Mewtwo is being a dick or something. So be careful out there, you won't want to get your ass killed. For an advice, when Mewtwo's eyes are glowing, try to avoid his attack by teleporting into a different direction as fast as you can. Well, good luck out there, promise that YOU WILL NOT DIE. Your boss - Tysorraus Rex". Looks like I have to get my butt out there and save them from danger by Team Rocket. My baby Togepi hug my right leg, meaning that she wants a hug. I grab her and hug her. She likes the way that I hug her, even though I kiss her in the forehead while I'm hugging her. I put my baby Togepi in the nest made out of blankets. "I have to go guys, Cyndaquil, you'll be in charge in the office" I noted my pets. I walk out of the office, close the office door just to make sure that it's lock, and head to the control room. Whenever I'm in the control room, Mary is already here wanted to join me on the mission. "Ready when you are" Mary said. Ash spotted me and walk towards me. "There you are. So, shall we begin?" Ash ask. "Let's do it" I answered and started to go to that teleportation cylinder machine. Mary and Ash gets inside and the man is controlling the teleportation ship. Later, we've been teleported near by the docks and we spotted a boat station. "Is that the boat station?" I pointed out. "Yes it is" Ash answered. Suddenly, the rain pour down real hard and we all quickly ran to the boat station. Once we're in there, we saw a lot of people waiting for a ride to Mewtwo's secret island. "How did they got here so quickly?" I ask. "They got here too early" Mary answered. When I look over the crowd of Pokemon trained, there's a police woman who's trying to stop the people from trespassing. "I'm sorry, I can't let you pass because this weather is extremely dangerous" the policewoman said. All of us take a closer look for seeing what's going on. "Hey, let us pass, I must get to that island" one guy said. "Me too" the other person added. "I will not let you guys pass. If you go to that island, you will be in much danger out there" the policewoman said. Ash finally reach the closest. "Hey excuse me officer Jenny, we need to get to that island because there's a competition" Ash said. The lady walks by and helps out with officer Jenny. "You just not go to that island" the lady said. "Why not?" Ash ask. "This island that everybody are trying to go there is dangerous" the lady said. "Nurse Joy is missing and we're trying our best finding her. We assume that if everyone goes to that island, you will wind up missing, just like her" Jenny added The boy jumps in and ram through the door. "Who cares, I'm going to that island without caring if it's dangerous or not" the guy said and all of the sudden, many people are going to the island by using their Pokemon to swim or fly to the island they wanted to go. All of the sudden, all of the people are going to the island, refuse to obey Jenny's order. One guy choose Garadose, so he have a chance to go to the island by Garadose swimming. One girl choose Pigioto, so she can fly through the sky and soar to the island. Me, Mary, and Ask are thinking of a way to the island. "Do you guys know how to get to that island?" Ash ask. Misty and Brock runs towards Ash. "Ash, wait up!" Brock shouted. Two unknown persons drops by with a canoe board. "So, I see that you're going to that island yes? We'll help you get there in time" the unknown woman said. "Yes, we will take you to that island. Of course yes, yes?" the unknown man said. "Alright, let's go" Ash said and he immediately gets to the canoe boat. Mary react it quickly by grabbing Ash's shoulder. "Don't get into that canoe boat" Mary warn him. "What? Why? We need to get to that island" Ash said. "Come on, we have to go to that island" Misty said. "It's Team Rocket that will help you go to that island" Mary alerted Ash. "What? How did you know that we're actually Team Rocket" Jesse said and she unhood herself and stand up looking like she wants to fight. "The look and the way you move" Mary said. Jay pulls out his hood off of his head and feeling depressed. "Oh well, it seems that one of Pikachu's friends has a power to know everything, especially knowing what our plan is" Jay said, Mary looks at me with a curious look on her face. "I have an idea" Mary said. She snap her fingers and teleport a safety boat. "Why don't we go onto our boat. Ash, is your choice" Mary said. Mary is giving a dilemma between Team Rocket's canoe or our safety boat. "Umm...I'll choose your guy' boat" Ash answered and start to get into our boat immediately. Misty and Brock are joining in with Ash, including one of their pets. "Sorry Team Rocket crew, your tricks can't fool me" Mary said and we all enter in our boat. Mary start up her engine and drive through the massively wave ocean. "Looks like Mewtwo wants to play hardcore against everybody who wanted to go to that island" I said. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure he wants a challenge. And this challenge is fighting" Mary said. Mary is controlling the boat with her mind power, to dodge as many waves as she can. Ash's Pikachu really likes the way that Mary moves with her own power. "Your skillz is amazing, how can you do that?" Misty ask. "Easy, studying of course" Mary answered. "She's a god of psychic, she loves to study things" I added. "That's good" Misty said and her baby Togepi is cheering on Mary. The waves finally stop for the past thirty minutes, meaning that we;re finally here in the island. "There it is!" Ash shouted and pointed out. Mary use her power to drag the boat to the island. Once Mary did that, there's an unknown lady standing there holding a lantern looking like she's waiting for somebody. We all got out from the boat and analyze the lady. "Greeting Pokemon players, please follow me to the coliseum" the lady said. Brock takes a quick look at the lady. He suddenly realized that it's Nurse Joy. "Hey, I know you" Brock said. "Are you the girl who disappear in the hospital room?" Brock ask. "I don't know what you're talking about human, maybe you're seeing things that's not right" the lady said. Mary and I taking a closer look at the unknown lady. Brock is right, it is Nurse Joy, but she looks like she's been hypnotized. "Mary, can you figure out what caused her to get hypnotized?" I whispered to Mary. "I think so" she answered and she started to read Nurse Joy's mind. "She's been mind control by Mewtwo" Mary said. "Can you try dis-minded her?" I ask. "Wait" Mary said and she's trying to dis-minded her. Few seconds later, Mary finally dis-minded her and Nurse Joy fell down on the ground. "Nurse Joy" Brock said and he ran towards Nurse Joy to help her. "Are you okay Nurse Joy?" Brock ask her. Nurse Joy woke up unconsciously. "Yeah, I'm fine. Where am I?" Nurse Joy said. "Right now, you're in the island and you've been mind control by Mewtwo. Also, I think that Mewtwo is trying to captured all of the Pokemon that we have. Whoever lose or gets beaten by Mewtwo, your Pokemon will be captured by him" I explained. "Then we better get to the ceremony" Mary said and she's started running to the direction of the ceremony. All of us following her and she leads us to the giant gate. "It this the one that leads us to the ceremony?" Misty ask. "Yes, Mewtwo is in there" Mary answered. Mary turns around and spotted Team Rocket hiding from the balcony. She started min controlling them by lifting all three up in the air and drag them close to us gently to the ground. "Hey listen, we don't know you two. Why did you come here for?" Meowth said. " stop Mewtwo for stealing everybody's Pokemon pets" I answered. "Also, if you want a Pikachu so badly, why don't you get another Pikachu instead of stealing Ash's Pikachu" Mary added. Jay is running his head, making sure that he doesn't have a bruise on it. "Hey Jesse, I think these two are like metahumans or something" Jay said. "How do they got that power? I really wanted that power so badly. But then all of the sudden, I failed misery, thinking of myself that I got it and I completely fail it" Jesse said. "That's because you're not trying. Of course, failing is good sometimes, but failing it mostly, is bad, making you progression a total failure. If I were you, I need to learn the basics" Mary said. "She's right, you're not trying your best, you have to learn the basics. That's what I would do" I added. Jesse felt down sided whatever we said something about being a failure of becoming a ninja. "You both are right, I must stand up and trained harder" Jesse said. "That's the spirit!" I shouted. Later, the giant gate open the door and the light turned on showing us that ceremony. We all enter in the ceremony and the giant gate closed the door by itself whenever we enter in. Jesse freaks out and look at the giant gate, including Brock, Misty, Ash, Pikachu, and Togepi. "Did-did that door close by itself?" Jesse said. "Yes, the door is permanently close by itself" Mary answered and she's walks to the luxurian table. I turn around and look at all seven of them. "You guys are going to chill here for a while, I'm going to take a look around. There's something weird about this place" I said. I walk around and try to find something interesting. All of the sudden, I found a hidden door below the poetry. So I started pulling out something below and found a secret passageway. Seems dark, so I lit my hand on fire and crawl inside. All the way to the end of the passageway, it leads me to the room that has a lot of machinery. When I look to my left, it seems like there's a giant screen right above and there's a tracker which I don't know what it does on the machine. Mary called me. "Ricky, Mewtwo is here" Mary warned me. I teleport to her to spotted Mewtwo coming down gravitationally. "Welcome humans" Mewtwo said. "Is that...Mewtwo?" Ash ask. "Yes, it is Mewtwo" I answered. "My name is Mewtwo, and I've been cloned, into a different type of psycho usually Pokemon. You humans, are not must be trusted, by the things that you always do, such as catching all of them" Mewtwo said. "That's what we always do, we catch them and treat them like pets. Even though you didn't like it" the boy said. "Silent human, your obnoxious mouth is non revolving" Mewtwo said. The boy stands up feeling angry. "What did you just said?!" the boy shouted. The boy started to run towards Mewtwo and then all of the sudden, Mewtwo use his psychic powers and throw the boy to the water fountain. "Foolish" Mewtwo whispered. The goy got up and gets off from the fountain. "A Pokemon can't be a Pokemon, that's impossible" the boy said. "Quiet human, for now on, I'm the boss around here" Mewtwo said. The boy is ordering his per to fight him. "Let's go, Gyarados!" the boy yelled. Gyarados is on the run. "Gyarados, hyper beam attack!" the boy said. Gyarados performs a hyper beam attack at Mewtwo. Mewtwo quickly shield himself and forcefully move Gyarados to the fountain, pushing it away from him. "You can not defeat me you foolish child" Mewtwo said. Suddenly, the Pokeball appears out of nowhere and it hits his Gyarados. "No! Gyarados!" the boy shouted. "You've learned a valuable lesson child. Now's it's time for you to move on without your Pokemon" Mewtwo said. All of the sudden, Mewtwo magically open the other side of the giant gate. Lights flashing on, sets up is already done, and stadium appear. "Cool!" Mary shouted and she started to dance around onto the middle of the stadium. Mewtwo move himself to the far side and look directly at us. Meanwhile, Ivysaur, Charizard, and Shellshocker appear right behind Mewtwo. "You can't defeat one of my class" Mewtwo said. Mary look at Mewtwo cutely. "You can't defeat me either" Mary added and her eyes are glowing. "Oh you just have to watch me knock you down cold. Once I'm done with you all three, then I might as well deal with you after" Mewtwo said. Ash pulls out his Pokeball. "Well at least I don't have a choice but to choose...Charizard, I choose you" Ash said and he throws a Pokeball out. Later, Charizard appears out from the Pokeball. Charizard open his eyes to look at Mewtwo and started flamethrowing at him. "Charizard, I didn't said go yet" Ash said. The flame goes out and Mewtwo doesn't have a single burnt marks onto him. "Well...he's good" Mary commented. The other kid makes his move by throwing a Pokeball out. "My turn! Ivysaur, I choose you!" the kid yelled. Ivysaur came out from the Pokeball and prepares to fight. The other Ivysaur also prepares to fight against the other one. Two Ivysaur started running to each other and headbutted together, wrestling down to see who's strong. Charizard dove above Ivysaur and started charging the other Charizard. The other Charizard did the same and the other Charizard bite Charizard to it's neck. They both fly up in the sky and they started to fight each other. The boy look at the girl. "It's now or never" the boy said it at the girl. The girl pull out a Pokeball and look at it. "Come on, you must do it before we lose" Misty said. The girl look at Misty in the eye and accept what she said. The girl throw the Pokeball. "Shellshocker, I choose you!" the girl shouted. Shellshocker appear from the Pokeball. "Shellshocker, water punch now!" the girl shouted. Shellshocker squirt it's gun on it's back of the shell. The other Shellshocker performs a shell spin to block its attack. Suddenly, the other Shellshocker shell-punched at Shellshocker. All of the sudden, our team, Charizard, Ivysaur, and Shellshocker has been knocked out. "You're Pokemon is mine now" Mewtwo said. Mewtwo magically use his three Pokeball and all three Pokeball got our Pokemon. All three Pokemon has been stolen by Mewtwo. "What are you gonna do with our Pokemon?" Misty ask. "I will extract their DNA to make clones of myself. They will remain safe of this island with me, while my storm destroys the planet" Mewtwo answered. Mewtwo magically teleport all of his own Pokeballs while all of is floating. "You can't do this!" Brock shouted. "Yeah, we won't let you!" Ash yelled. "Do not attempt to defined me" Mewtwo said. His eyes are glowing and started to push Ash away. Mary reacted quickly by blocking his attack. "You won't win Mewtwo" Mary said. "Oh we'll see about that" Mewtwo said and he began throwing infinite Pokemon at us at all of the Pokemon. "This is my world now" Mewtwo added. All the rest are running away from the Pokeball, but me. I quickly pull out my fire katana and started cutting all the Pokeballs into pieces. "Everybody get to safety, I'll deal with the Pokeballs" I warned them. Ash, Misty, and Brock are trying to find the way out. "There's no way out" Brock said. "Keep looking to find the way out then" I alerted them. Ash is looking around trying to find the way out. "Maybe up there is a way out" Ash said. "Don't just stand there, get out of here" I warned them. All of them immediately run up and trying to run as fast as they can. Mary is battling against Mewtwo by using her magical power. "This is Derek Aaron Dick calling Richard Ricky Quinn, can you here me over?" Aaron ask. "This is Richard Ricky Quinn responding to Derek Aaron Dick, I don't have time to talk right now" I responded. "I know you're busy Ricky, but I've found something" Aaron said. "Really? What is it?" I ask. "It's a machine that can make a copyright DNA of the Pokemon that Mewtwo captured. I don't know how Mewtwo make his clone so strong against the others" Aaron explained. "Well, try to find out what that machine magically does" I said. Aaron hung up on me and I'm still cutting all the Pokeballs into pieces. "Errr, I have enough!!!" Mewtwo shouted and he began to perform an earthquake. Mary and I quickly dodge his attack. Two good news is that there is no more Pokeball around here. Seems like I destroyed all of them. Also, ash, Brock, Misty, and all the rest of them are finally reach to the safe place and to the exit. "You must pay for what you have done" Mewtwo said. "Ricky, try to find the normal Pokemon around here, the machine I meant. Aaron is in there, help him" Mary said. "Mary, what about you?" I ask. "I'll deal with Mewtwo, just go" Mary said. I quickly run towards the exit and forcefully kick the gate opened. "Jesse, where's the machine that you, Jay, and Meowth found?" I ask. "Right this way" Jesse said and she started to lead me to the machine. she leads me to the giant pipe that looks like a sewer. "God it smells awful in here" Misty said. "If you have a problem with that, deal with it" I said. I lit my hair and hands on fire to see where I'm going through the dark. Surely, I'm right that we're actually in the sewer. "Let's get moving" I whispered to them. "Can we all just get out of here before Mewtwo kidnapped our Pokemon?" the kid said. "We need to let the free Pokemon go, we can't just leave them their to get tortured with" I answered. "Right there" Jessie said and she pointed out a ladder that leads us to the secret room. We all climb up the ladder and finally reach the room that Aaron is in. "Ricky, think god you're here" Aaron said. all of us got out and we all take a look at the machine. "What is this machine do?" I ask. "I don't know exactly" Aaron answered. I took a closer look at the machine and analyze what id does. I took a flashback what Mewtwo just said. I remember that he's going to make a copyright on his DNA. "I think I know what it is" I said. "what is it?" Jay ask. "It's a copyright DNA machine. Put your Pokemon in that tracker all the way to the scanner and it analyze what it is. Once it scan complete, all of the copyrighted Pokemon lore it into this giant green tube" I explained. Misty and her Togepi looks at the machine. "Is that good?" Misty ask. "No, we have to destroy it" I answered. I pull out my katana and beginning to destroyed the machine. Aaron join in and started destroying the machine with me. "I'll bet there's Pokemon in there" Aaron said. The giant screen is showing error, meaning that there's a problem. "everybody stand back, you'll get hurt once you get close to the machine" Aaron warned them. Suddenly, the machine exploded and all of the Pokemon is free. "Ash, you take all the free Pokemon to safety. Mary, we'll try and stop Mewtwo" I planned. Aaron and I teleport together to the stadium that Mary is fighting against him. We teleport right behind him and we kick him to the back. Mewtwo block our attacks and teleport into a different location. Mewtwo is getting angrier. "Errr, how did you get so good at this?" Mewtwo ask. "Easy, it's called studying" Mary answered and she began dragging Mewtwo down. Mewtwo looks like he's struggling and he's going down for sure. Suddenly, Mary refuse to put him down and decided to let him go. "I can't finish you off. I'll be best if I let you go" Mary said. "What? But you must finish me off whatever I'm fighting against you" Mewtwo said. "First of all, I don't want to kill a Pokemon. Second, this is not your fault for your consequences. Just because we fight together doesn't mean that I have to finish you off" Mary explained. "She's right, humands can't kill Pokemon, depends on how much they wanted to collect them and treated them like pets" Ash said and he appears out from the dusty main entrance. All of the Pokemon follow his lead and thinking the Mewtwo wants to fight again. "Ash, Mewtwo already gave up, there's no need to fight against him" I said. Meanwhile, this unknown pink Pokemon appears from the sky and looks at Mary. "Awww, you're cute" Mary said and she started petting her in the head softly. "Mary, what is that thing?" I ask. "I's Mew, once of the cutest Pokemon that I've ever known" Mary answered. Mew makes a happy look at Mary and she began to hug her. Mary hold Mew and continue petting her. Looks like Mew loves her and she wanted to be her pet. Misty's Togepi cutely walks towards Mew and she looks like she wnats to play with her. Mary and I walk towards the baby Togepi. Mew cutely and lightly tap onto Togepi's nose and then all of the sudden, bubble appears under Togepi and Togepi loves sitting in a very comfortable bubble chair. I turn around and look at Mewtwo. "This time, we'll let you go, but please don't fight each other once we meet again okay?" I ask Mewtwo. "I just wanted to be kind here" I added. Aaron and I walk away and then all of the sudden, Mary stops us. "Wait, there's something missing that I had in mind" Mary said. I turn around and look at her. "What is it?" I ask. Mary teleport right close to me and whisper to me in the ear. Once Mary is done whispering to my ear, I look at Mewtwo and said something to him. "Ummm...listen can keep one of your clone that you stole it for copying it's DNA. I"m just letting you know okay?" I said. finally, I walk away and teleport myself in the office. Mary is taking Mew to the office. "Mary, why did you bring Mew here? She suppose to go somewhere else instead of staying with us" I said. "She's cute, and she likes me because I'm a god of psychic" Mary answered and she started petting Mew on the head. "Well, let's just keep her if you want" I said. "Yeah" Mary cheering and she's putting Mew in the girls bedroom. I sat down on the office chairs, turn on my laptop, and read the email. "Hello Richard, it's me again, Ash. I want to thank you for saving us for not getting stolen by Mewtwo, even if he wants our Pokemon to be copyright to make his own cloned. Good thing you destroyed that machine, he will never do that again. My Pikachu is very happy and well, and he already likes you, thinking that you're a hero, a Pokemon hero of course. I see that your friend here got a Pokemon, Mew. That's cool, I wish I have a Pokemon like that. Misty's Togepi also know that you and your friends are a Pokemon hero too. Just wanted to leave this note here to let you know that you're an amazing person. I talk to your boss and he's happy about you. Anyway, good luck on your next mission. Sincerely - Ash Ketchum". All of the sudden, my boss already send me an email to me. so I check on my email and read what my boss said. "Hello Richard, this next mission that you are going to handle is the island you must go to. I'm afraid you won't continue on until next month. By the way, nice job on the mission that you completed. I heard that your friend Mirriah captured a new Pokemon, Mew. I thought she can captured Mewtwo so easily, but I think again and notice that she wants to captured a very cute Pokemon. Obviously, she likes cute things right? Well, yes, she likes cute things. Just go out there, not the mission that I shown you earlier, and have some fun. Like playing games and exercise everyday. Obviously, you always exercise ever for the past five hours. Oh, and I totally forgot to tell you something. I'll be gone in four months because I need to deal some huge issue around in Oregon, California, Florida, Kansas, Virginia, Texas, Colorado, and New York. My wife is going to be a boss here, so please be kind and show respect on her please. She will be appreciate your kindness and your behavior Richard. got to go, I'll see you in four months. Your boss - Tysorraus Rex". I exit out the tab and started posting things on my laptop.

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