Chapter 7:Heaven

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All of the sudden, I woke up in the middle of nowhere trying to figure out where I am. When I look around, there's three giant holes and on the ground is spewing with blood. My mind is thinking that I'm in hell or something. When I look above, there's sign appears to be a hint to where I suppose to go. "Fire is what in nature?". I keep focusing on the hint that is base on the sign above. All of the sudden, fire is a third in nature. So I walk towards the third door to the right. Once I'm in the third tunnel, it's pitch black. So I lit my hands on fire and knowing where I'm going. When I reach through the darkness tunnel, there's the next clue above. "Lightning is what in nature?". I'm thinking harder of what the sign is saying. Suddenly, lighting is second in nature. So I immediately enter the mid tunnel and keep running through the tunnel. This next clue appears in the sign above whenever I came out from the dark tunnel. "Psychic is what in life?". Obviously, psychic is the first in life, so I enter in the tunnel to my left. When I looks to my left onto the wall of the tunnel, it says here that I'm halfway there to freedom. So I quickly move to the end of the tunnel. This next clue is getting trickier. "If I was a vampire, what should I do?" The left shown me the sign right above is kill people, the mid one shown the sign right above is dismember people, and the third said  go to hell. My mind is thinking that the vampire suppose to go to hell, so I took the tunnel to the right. I quickly sprint through the tunnel and teach to the next clue. "If I'm a ninja, what should I do?". Left says assassinate people, mid says help people, and right says perform a sacrificed. Obviously, I'm a ninja, so I took it to the mid tunnel. When I run through the tunnel and reach it to the end, this last clue appears right above. "If I'm a god, what should I do?" Left appears to say strike back, mid says help others, and right says nothing. It look to the right tunnel and it seems to be that the right tunnel didn't shown me nothing. I"m very curious though, but it'll be best if I'm taking the god can help others. Meanwhile when I finally reach it all the way to the end, the light is shining at my eyes and I started to cover the blind side off of me. All of the sudden, I'm in the some kind of island of something. There's a beach with water soaring through the sand and cute animals are playing tag I think. "Where am I?" I ask myself. I started by traveling through the island and find a communicator device. Later, this pet name snuzzle that I'm assuming it was walk towards me and rub my leg with its head. "What are you doing?" I ask kindly and pet it's head softly. Vulpix drops by and wants to get petted too. I started pet both of them in the head softly. " you guys know where I am?" I ask nicely. Ferret appears out of the land of flowers and telling me to follow her. "You want me to follow you?" I ask. It seems like Ferret wants me to follow her, so I follow her, wanted to show me something. When Ferret finally show me what it is, she shows me a house that has a communicator device. I crouch down and pet her in the head. "Good girl" I commented. Whenever I pet her in the head, her head is really soft. Anyway, I quickly run towards the house and immediately use a communicator. "This is Richard Ricky Quinn talking, can anyone hear me?" I ask onto the communicator. All of the sudden, someone responded. "This is Tammy calling and respond to you loud and clear, where are you?" Tammy ask. "Richard? Holy shit! I thought you are dead" prince said. Prince sounded like he's happy to hear me alive. "It was a long story prince, I don't know where I am. Can you track me down somewhere?" I ask. Mary responded. "I'm tracking you down right away. Don't worry, I'll find you" Mary said. "Thanks, I don't know how I ended up here, but I'm starting to feel like I'm in heaven, like princess is in" I said. "Hold on Richard, will find you" prince warned me. "I"ll try, sometimes I'm living in the place that seems very weird to me" I commented. "Found you" the ghost whispered. The audio is glitching out while the ghost is saying something on the communicator device. I quickly turn around and the ghost appears out of nowhere. The ghost is about to kill to, so I quickly teleport myself outside from the house. Three pets, such as Vulpix, Ferret, and Snuzzle, are running towards me, worrying that they're gonna get themselves killed by the ghost while the ghosts is swarming around in the air. I quickly grab the three pets and ran towards the beach. "Better find a place to hide" I mumbled and started to runas fast as I can. Finally, I've made it under the cave, guessing that the cave is going to protect us. "Are you guy okay?" I ask the pets. The pets seems scared, so I decided to make them feel comfortable under the cave. "I have to go. Right now, I need to find a boat somewhere around this island" I noted. I teleport myself in this abandoned house and find a boat. The ghost appears right in front of me, wanted to feel scared or something. I realized that the ghost is afraid of light, so I lit my fist on fire and started to punch the ghost in the torso. Turns out to bt that the ghost is weak against the fire, I'm lucky to be a ninja who's is the god of fire. Anyway, I went inside and find a boat somewhere in there. When I'm searching around the basement, I've found the treasure gold in the basement closet. I touch the treasure gold and teleport it under the cave. "That's not what I wanted but okay, I"ll take it anyway" I whispered. I quickly ran out of the house and continue looking for a boat around this place. Pikachu pops out of nowhere around the flower plants. "Where do you come from Pikachu?" I ask and started to grab Pikachu and lift him up. Pikachu wants to go on an adventure with me, so he wants to join me. At the cliff, I spotted a boat lying there in the edge of the stoned cliff on the bottom. I teleport myself on the bottom from the cliff and grab the edge of boat. Pikachu jumps off my shoulder and lay onto the boat. I teleport the boat to the cave and tell the other ptes to come with me. "Guys, I've found the boat, get in now" I warned them. I keep dragging the board to them,  making them get to the boat. "Get in if you want to live" I added. All of the pets climb in the boat. "Everybody all in?" I checked. It seems like the pets are ready to go. I push the boat to the ocean and immediately hop on. I grab the paddle and started rolling. "I hope Mary knows where I am" I whispered.

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