Chapter FortyThree

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"Where you tend a rose my lad, a thistle cannot grow."
― Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden

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By the time a week had passed, Ally was due in court. I was truly surprised that it happened so quickly, till Seth explained that Marcus had contacts in many places. But his date was for a few days time and Seth told me he would plead guilty, guaranteeing his sentence. He was being put up on charges of breaking and entering, robbery, battery, grand theft auto, reckless driving and resisting arrest. I wasn't sure how they had set it all up so quickly and efficiently but I didn't really want to in all honesty.

I had talked about seeing Mr. Walker again with Jasper, talking about how we both felt about it. We had decided that Jasper would go and get him today, to finally see him again. This time, I would be seeing him as not my Boss, but my family. It was nerve wreaking to say the least. Seth was currently distracting me, helping me bake. Well, I was baking and he was making a mess.

Currently there was flour over the counter, cupboards Seth and myself as I frowned at the man grinning sheepishly at me.

"It exploded?" he offered, rubbing at his face but only making it worse. I just giggle as he looks at me with a smile. And as I glance around once more, I begin to laugh, slowly laughing harder and harder till I'm wheezing, hunched over and leaning on the messy counter. Seths laughter had joined mine, his eyes lit up and face stretched wide in a stunning bright smile.

Marcus chose then to walk in, halting in the door way as he took in the state of his kitchen before his eyes dragged over us. After a moment he shook his head, continuing on his way to the sink where he rinsed his mug before leaving it in the sink.

"Make sure to clean up son." He looked at Seth pointedly as Seth stood straight, saluting him.

"Aye sir!" He grinned as I tried to smother another giggle. Marcus just gave him a strange look before quickly leaving again, muttering in Italian.

After I had calmed a little I helped Seth mix the batter until it was right, then we measured it out into little pretty cupcake liners in the tray. Seth then took them to the oven, putting them in and adjusting the heat slightly before turning to me and grinning widely.

"Job well done!" He held up two thumbs whilst I shook my head.

"Nope. Not yet anyway! We gotta clean this up and make up the frosting!" I gestured about me to emphasise the mess. Seth exaggerated a sigh before we got to cleaning, making a great team as he cleared the counters and done the dishes whilst I wiped down the cupboards and swept and mopped the floor. Once that was done, I made a start on the frosting, measuring out the ingredients into the mixer before pressing a button as Seth watched with a happy dazed expression.

By the time the cupcakes were done and cooled slightly, I showed Seth how to cut a small circle out the top (Using the tool I had made him buy me) and let him have fun doing that whilst I spooned some strawberry jam into the cupcakes and placing the small cut outs back on top. Then I prepared the pipping bags, filled with strawberry frosting and began to decorate the top, making some look like roses and others just sticking with pretty swirls.

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