Chapter ThirtyEight.

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"We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are."

— J.K. Rowlin, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

 Rowlin, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

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Jasper P.O.V

Groaning as I rolled over, I patted my bed blindly feeling for my phone as my alarm blared loudly. Finally finding it, I squint at the brightly lit screen and hit the off button before throwing it back down and slumping back into my pillows.

I really couldn't be bothered pandering to Grey's silly requests. Even if he was right. I just didn't want to have to sit through question after question that I either couldn't or didn't want to answer. It had been painful enough having to sidestep and avoid Greys persisting questions about friends and family. But now the silly boy had it in his head that he wanted to get me new friends in this 'new' city for me.

Friends didn't sound appealing to me though. They sounded like a burden, a nuisance.

Just then my phone buzzed. Squinting at the small screen again – after blindly searching for it once again – I opened the text message from Grey.

'Hurry up! You're in luck, some nice friends of mine appeared just there, I think you would like them!' Rolling my eyes at the overly eager boy, I sit up. I was still getting over the shock of finding Grey and his boyfriend humping like animals in the living room the other day. Though I suppose that was my own fault, I had said I would be late, and then returned home two hours early. I never got a chance to speak to the guy. They had scrambled to cover themselves, Grey blushing furiously whilst I promptly excused myself to my room. He had apologised the next morning, and explained to me that his boyfriend had to come here since none of his family or friends knew of his preferences. Not that it bothered me. As long as they didn't keep me up all night, I didn't particularly care who Grey fucked. Or rather, from what I walked into, fucked him. I then endured Grey gushing about this Zeek or Zack or whatever his name was for an hour, and accidentally letting slip some of their more, adventurous activities.

Glancing at the digital clock on my night stand I sigh as I stretch. I couldn't be bothered with showering, I had already done that last night. Instead I splashed my face with some icy water to wake myself – I hadn't had much sleep as per usual and quickly got changed. I might as well go grab food, scope out these friends, especially if Grey ever plans on having them over.

Once dressed I grabbed my keys and wallet, taking the stairs two at a time and jumping into my car. It was a 15 minute walk but I honestly just had no motivation today. My night had been plagued with thoughts about my missing family. My dead mother and missing sister. Well, she wasn't really missing. But I didn't know where she was. And I had reached so many dead ends in my search for her that I was left feeling empty, a shell of what I once was. I had spent my years getting smarter, stronger all for her. To save her from that bastard. But it was all for nothing. He had disappeared from the world, taking her with him. For all I knew, he could be across the world. He could have sold her, or left her for dead anywhere.

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