Chapter Three

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"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened." -Dr. Seuss

The stinging on my left hip bone is a constant reminder of what Ashton brought me to do when he picked me up at four. To say I was shocked that he brought me to a tattoo parlor is an understatement. I was downright nervous and refused to get out of his Jeep.

"Mackenzie, don't just sit here and miss a chance to do something you've always wanted to do." Says Ashton.

I glance at him nervously and cautiously grab the door handle, but then I bring it back to my thigh. Aunt Sill would kill me if she found out I got a tattoo!

"I don't even know what I would want any way." I say to him.

Ashton smiles happily and turns off the radio. He grabs my hand and I purposely ignore the slight tingles that start from my finger tips and goes to my shoulder.

"That's why you when you wait for your turn you look at the sample book." He tells me with a hint of begging in his voice.

I can't do something like this. What if when I become older, I'll regret getting permanent ink on my body? Once it's there it can't go away! I look at the tattoo parlor and the pink glowing sign saying Open tempts me. Knowing my decision, I shake my head and mumble 'no' under my breath. I'm looking down at my hands and I hear Ashton exhale deeply.

"Okay, I won't make you do something you don't want to do."

Lifting my head, I smile gently at him with my thanks. Ashton starts up his Jeep and we start to head to Route 5, also known as the back way to all the field parties. I turn in my seat and watch the shop become smaller.

"Turn around." I say to Ashton.

He whips his head around with a bright smile on his tanned face. His dimples are already there on his cheeks, and he immediately turns and goes to the opposite lane. This is one of the perks of living in a small town: hardly any one is on the road when work time isn't finished for adults.

"Are you sure about this?" Asks Ashton.

I roll my eyes and put my blond hair in a tight ponytail as we wait for my turn of ink. If he keeps on asking me questions then I'm going to change my mind about getting a tattoo. Ashton hands me a thick binder and I raise my eyebrows at him in question.

"What's this?" I ask him curiously.

Ashton smiles, yet again, and opens up the binder for me. Different images of butterflies and Chinese symbols in thick back lines capture my eye.

"This is the samples that can help you decide what you want." He tells me.

For a moment, I turn my eyes from turning the pages and look at Ashton fully. Okay, Ashton playing baseball has its perks for him and of course he would be extremely handsome. But shouldn't guys looking this good be somewhat, I don't know, a cocky asshole? His emerald colored eyes seem to tell everything in his soul but there's a hint of brokenness in them. My memory flashes back to his bruised hand and I quickly glance at it. The bruises seem to have gone away some, but they're still noticeable. I look up from looking at his hand and he's staring at me closely. Before I can say anything, my name is called and I jump up suddenly, which leads to the sample book flopping at my feet. Ashton laughs and picks up the binder for me.

"Come on; let's go get your tattoo."

The buff man that called my name smiles at Ashton and then looks at me like I'm his next meal. Ashton takes a step closer towards me.

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