Chapter Thirty-seven

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"Summer makes you feel carefree and fun. The best time of our lives. The only time we will ever have this little responsibility, this much carefreeness, this much spontaneity. Summer's coming to an end." -Summer Break (Season 1, Episode 51)

This is my last time waking up in Florida. I'm lying on top of Ashton with my cheek resting on his bare chest. The patio doors are open, bringing in the ocean air and the faint sound of crashing waves. We have to be ready in twenty minutes, but I just can't find the strength (or desire) to get up and dress. I know deep down that all the love-making, playing on the beach, and the endless laughter will be coming to an end. I try not to think about it. I've gotten somewhat better.

When the time changes by another minute, I force myself to poke a sleeping Ashton on his cheek to wake him up. A smile grows on my face when he doesn't wake up. I kiss his cheeks then his lips. Arms immediately wrap around my waist as I'm pulling away.

"Good morning, Kenzie." Ashton sighs with his eyes trying to open.

I laugh while placing my elbow on his chest and my chin in my hand. Once he's fully awake, he rolls his eyes and flips so he's lying on top of me.

"Good God, Ashton!" I exclaim, pushing him away so I can breathe.

He doesn't budge, but instead puts even more weight on me. "How much do you weigh?" He laughs and finally pushes himself off of me. Ashton rests his body close to mine and watches me closely.

I blush and cover his eyes quickly. He pushes my hands away then rolls his eyes.

"Why do you keep on doing that?" He asks me.

"Because when I wake up my hair is in tangles and drool on my chin."

Ashton smiles and licks his thumb. "Well, you do have drool." He drawls out as he tries to wipe away at my chin. I swat his hand away while a scowl on my face. He kisses my cheek.

"You know you love me."

I can't help but smile at him because he knows it true. After having sex for the first time, we lied on the blanket with our arms wrapped around each other. It was perfect how the night ended. We changed back into our clothes and headed to the beach house with our hands all over each other. It was like a switch was flipped on. I couldn't get enough of him or saying 'I love you' to him every five seconds. It may seem cheesy, but I could care less.

"It's true." I whisper, leaning closer to him and getting ready to kiss him.

But all good things must come to an end. Someone begins to knock on the master bedroom door while yelling in Spanish. That only means one person: Haze. Ashton groans and bangs his head on the pillows. I laugh and take the sheet to wrap around my body while I head to my suitcase.

"Obtener sus culos fuers de la cama! Estamos a punto de salir!"

"Do you even understand what she's saying?" Ashton asks me, leaning against the headboard with his chest on display.

"Kind of," I mumble. I pick up my flip flop and throw it at the door. "Shut up, Haze! We're getting ready!"

She stops yelling and hitting the door. The patter of her footsteps becoming faint let me know she's walking away. I sigh and happen to glance around the bedroom. Holy shit!

Clothes are scattered all over the carpet, including towels, footwear, and under garments. I didn't realize until now how I should've been more careful about my clothes. Though, they aren't all mine. We have less than twenty minutes to have everything packed and ready to go. Yes, it won't be a big deal if we are late. But we have to leave now if we're going to make back on a Friday. Lord knows how Sill will freak if I'm not.

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