TWELVE (part two)

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"I work for Lucian now."

That was the first thing he revealed.

"I think I've already guessed that." I replied softly. He was always around Lucian's office and with how he was around the man himself, you could easily identify the authority status he had over Link.

"I didn't finish school either. Not that wanted to or could when I got out of jail." He added.

"School is not everyone's calling." I looked up at him from his chest and saw that he avert his gaze from the ceiling and onto me. He raised his eyebrows at me in agreement.

"That's right."

He went quiet for a moment, pondering his thoughts whilst I waited patiently. I don't know why all of sudden we were doing this. It was like two pieces of puzzles that clicked the second they were together and there was no changing that. There was something deeper brewing once again, I realised, as I unconsciously pulled myself closer into his hard body.

"What kind of jobs do you do for Lucian?" I asked, knowing well enough I was going into a dangerous territory. It was kind of clear what kind of things these men were doing based on the way they worked. I could easily say Lucian probably crossed out a few laws when it came to his work.

"I don't think it's best we don't talk about that right now." Link said slowly.

"Why?" I asked carefully.

"Most stuff are confidential." And dangerous. That hung in the air. I decided to drop it.

My eyes were starting to hurt, indicating that I was indeed super tired. We're we doing something other than talking and resting? It didn't seem so but I didn't mind the slightest. I was warm. I felt safe. And most of all, I felt serene as though I was dancing freely. How Link managed all of this when just a few days ago we were head to head was confusing. But right now, as I felt my eyes slowly start to shut, I just placed all these emotions to the side and went to sleep.


I woke up to being shifted aside. I opened my eyes just as I saw Link pick up my arm and try to get it off his chest carefully.

"I'm awake." I said softly, albeit a tad bit groggy.

It was still dark in the room so I could barely make out his face but I could register some sort of an surprise expression.

"I thought you slept through anything."

I let out a small scoff. "Not since I had a newborn to take care of." Ever since having a baby, it was like my body was half asleep half awake. Any sort of sound or movement I would instantly wake up, having to check on the baby and it had stuck with me since. I looked over to the curtains and saw no daylight peeking through.

Link spoke before I could question where he was heading off too. "I have to get to work." He whispered, keeping his voice down so no one would hear him. I could barely make out myself what he said.


He got out the bed, albeit less careful since I was now awake. I kept my eyes trained on him, taking in as much of him as the lack of vision allowed. I saw him bend over, grab his jeans and put it on. The sound of his belt buckling was strange, although surprisingly satisfying. I never had such an experience, watching a man get out of bed from next you and put on his clothes. It seemed like it was a moment shared between couples, a time to be in less clothing and only allowing your partner to see you in that state. It was borderline intimate.

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