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"It's my car, so I'm driving." I huffed out.

Link ignored me as he took himself down the steps, walking down to my car as if he would actually be the one driving. I followed closely on his heel. 

It was several minutes of full on arguing outside the building between Link and I, and none of us were giving out any hints of backing down. He wanted to drive the car. To me, it was extraordinary how he thought his argument had any value whatsoever because the last time I checked, I was the owner of my car. And that instantly meant I was the one driving and I could determine who I extended invitation to, to join me in my car.

"We all know it's your car so stop repeating it." Link shot back at me over his shoulder. 

I glared at the back of his head, quickening my steps since he had longer legs than me, thus managing to walk further ahead.

"You don't even have the keys." I shot back at him, my voice rising a bit since he was near the car now. He halted in front of my car and turned around to me when I came down the long steps.

"Keys." When his hand stuck out expectantly, waiting for my set of keys to land in them I could do nothing but stare at it as if it grew another finger. And in that moment, I also established that I was forever grateful for Lexie who said she would keep Joy inside the building until I finished this showdown with Link.

"I'm baffled as to how you are managing to seem more insane by the minute," I said to him whilst shaking my head at him.

"And I'm baffled as to how you are still arguing outside the building as if you haven't got dangerous people after you," he countered, staring at me as if I was the one having a pointless argument with him.

"You are not driving the car, Link." I stated, the finality evident in my voice. I was standing with my hands crossed and holding my ground firmly. He was not going to render me utterly helpless to a point where I succumbed to every of his orders. I mean, what kind of person would I be and what kind of person would I be to Joy if I just bended the knee to every order shot my way by this man. And his orders were just insane compared to Lucian's - who actually seemed to care about my safety rather than proving his manliness.

"You don't know where to go."

I rolled my eyes at him, now getting to the point where I was done with him. "I'm going to the hotel, and that's final." I turned around and waved at Lexie who was staring at me from the large windows inside the building. She nodded and tugged on Joy who seemed engrossed in something the receptionist was telling her.

I walked around Link, purposely letting out childish grunts and mumbling under my breath, wanting him to think I was cussing him out. Which childishly, I really was cussing him out under my breath. He was totally insane thinking he could be shooting out demands to me when I just saw him yesterday after all those years.

He was nothing but someone from my past who I had folded neatly and put away to the back of my mind. And any minute spend thinking about him, I would be reminded of that endless torture he had inflicted on me for no apparent reason because his sister was fucking alive.

I got in behind the wheel and threw my purse into the back. I turned to look outside the window and saw Lexie coming down the last of the steps, with Joy bouncing down next to her. I risked a glance over to Link and saw he had his eyes glued on Joy. I could remember when he had walked inside the conference room and I knew the second Joy spotted him and he spotted her. It was as if all air was sucked out the room whilst also being filled with something heavy to a point where I felt as if I was suffocating.

Ending Link (Link Dane 2)Where stories live. Discover now