almost alone

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Will Solace couldn't smile

This was never a problem for him. Sure, he had depression and anxiety, but that didn't matter. He needed make sure everyone else was okay. Its not like he mattered. As long as everyone around him survived his life affected everyone around him. He had his priorities straight, he ate his food. Tried not cut. and always laughed after he cried. He helped others, and gave them his advice, when in reality, he could follow it too. He can't take others sympathy. Because he had given so much.

But. Everyone can snap. And they always do.

For Will. It simply took a while.
He was as strong.
Possibly more than Nico
But in a different way.
Nico possibly...didn't do as good of a job hiding it as Will...

Will ran a hand through his hair. Even his old timey music couldn't cheer him up. Why can't I smile? He wondered, have I been smiling too long? He asked himself.

He texted Nico, "hi Neeks"
Love of my life💛: hey
Me: how're you sunshine?
Love of my life💛: ok, for now....You?
Me: oh, great!
Love of my life💛: sure you are. Tell me Will. Please?
Me: ugh...fuck..why Nico? I'm fine. I swear.
Love of my life💛: lair.
Me: 😒

Will slipped his phone back into his pocket again. And tried to ignore the beeps that came afterword. He knew it was Nico. Just spamming him because he knew Will wasn't going to respond because he didn't need to explain. Didn't want to. Couldn't.

Three days he'd been ignoring Nico. Three days. Seventy two hours. He couldn't tell him what was wrong. He just couldn't. But there was something inside of him. Perhaps guilt? That made him read the latest text; 'I'm coming over there.' Sent at 2:32 AM

Will panicked.

It was sent three minutes ago.

Will scrambled to the window, sure enough, one light was on in the di Angelo household. The light from Nico's room. In seconds Nico would coming in. He was sure of it. He held his breath.

Nico opened the door carefully, not sure if his mother was home, asleep or awake. Will should have been asleep. But here Nico was. With a duffle bag and a plan. He crept through the hallways, trying his best not to trip. He impressed himself when he made it to Will's room in total silence.

Nico opened the door to the dark room. "Will?" Nico hissed.
Will kept quiet, hoping Nico wouldn't see him.
"Will! I know your there!"
"Crap..." He mumbles.
Nico finds him by his voice, switching the lamp on, beside the bed.
"Hiss" Will complained.
Nico laughed, sitting next to him on the bed, giving him a peck on the cheek.
"Why did you come here?" Will asked, looking at Nico.
"Because I love you Will. That's why."
Will frowned.
Nico smiled. Pocking his cheeks, making Will smile. "That's better" Nico said gently.
Will clenched his eyes closed. "Nico please don't..."
"Don't  what?" Nico smiled, genuinely concerned.
"Act like you can help me."
"Help you what?"
"Help-make me-ugh! Fix me! Nico! That's my job! To make you feel better! Ive failed too many times Nico! Why do you even hang around me Nico?!"
Nico shook his head, "maybe that's why I'm still have so many friends Will...but none care enough to look beneath the believe your not okay."
Will stared at him, dumbfounded.
"I'm the king of okay. Trust me Will. If anyone to stick around after I found out how broken you are...It'd be Hippocratical to not stay."
Will sniffled, and tried not to break down.

His voice breaks, "N-Nico...i-i love you so so much..."
Nico smiled sweetly, kissing him on the forehead, "I know."
Nico stayed with him that night. Nico sat and allowed Will to cry. He allowed him to let out everything he held in. Nico may have been way smaller than him, but Nico was strong for his size. And empathetic and stubborn as hell.
Nico would not leave him alone ever again.

When Will calmed Nico looked at him. "Would you like to do something sunshine?"
Will nodded. Picking up his phone, Will read the clock. 5:04 his mother would be leaving for work soon.

They ended up simply playing games, watching YouTube and eating stale Italian junk food Nico had from Italy.

They would be lying if they said they didn't have fun.

Will had fallen asleep after Nico left to get breakfast.

Nico returned shortly with two cups, one with coffee for Will, and one with coco for Nico.

Will sipped it gingerly. "Now what?"
"You truth or dare?" Nico asked, "I found an app" he said, turning on his phone showing it to Will. "Sound okay?"
"Sure Neeks..."
"Alright, truth or dare Will?"
"Um truth I guess."
Nico hit the 'truth' option, "what is your biggest fear?" He read.
Will didn't even need to think. "That one of these days I do die.. That I really do finally cut..."
Nico grimaced. He clicked, 'dare'
Will read over his shoulder, "try and do the splits, go as far as you can go?" Will said through his laughs.
Nico glared.
He stood.
And did it.
Going completely down.
Will covered his mouth "holy fuck..."

Nico glared, snatching his phone from Will. "Your turn my love.."
Will blushed "dare."
Nico hit dare he read, "yell out the first word that comes to your head" Nico frowned. "Thats not fair...."
"PINEAPPLE" he yelled.
Nico laughed.
And Will smiled. He was no longer almost alone.

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