22. Secret Stupida** Brother

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"You stupid, son'of an'ass, man hoe!" I kick the wall as I look at my phone. I see a picture of my dad with a woman, with one kid sitting in between them.

They smile, his eyes happy as they don't look dull for once. Whenever we used to take family pictures he resented them. He looks happy and for once not frowning or glaring at the camera.

"This is bullshit!" I yell, realizing no one is around to hear my anger outburst.

I left Gabbys room so that I could let my anger out. None of us knew my father had a side family! And they look happy as ever!

I look at my half brother, seeing him smile. He looks nothin like me in my opinion. Besides the looks, hair, and skin color. Like, what the fuck is this?

And the worst part, the half brother, Lorenzo, texted me about this. How the hell did he even get my number anyway?

Saying shit like:

Unknown: Know this is sudden but I just found out my dad was a famous wolf killer. And you are one of the Couteaus that live up to the reputation. Honestly, I don't give a fuck about that. I just want to see who the fuck is my half brother. And why am I learning bout you right now? Meet up at the nearest coffee joint round you, then look for the most striking guy there. Oh - me!

He has a mouth like a sailor like me too. I grind my teeth, realizing how much in common in speaking we have.

I throw on a hoodie and tight jeans and vans. I leave the condo as I start walking to my left.

The nearest coffee shop is about five minutes from here. If I jog it'll take two. I star jogging my anger, upset that my mother died believing my father was fateful.

All twenty of my siblings thought we were all related, and we are! Couteau last name, same looks, distinctive eyes that capture the mind in my opinion, and the skill to kill.

Now they are all dead - most of them - and this Lorenzo bitch texts me out of nowhere. I don't got time for this, can't I move on with my damn life?! Can't I just be happy with Gabbs and live with these wolves?! Can't everyone just leave me the fuck alone and stop fucking up my fucking life?!

"Damn!" I stop in front of this place called TeaTox. Who names a shop with 'Tox' in it? What the fuck does that even mean?

I walk in, seeing that it's actually nice inside. Looks modern and there's actually lots of people here. Almost as packed as Starbucks. Probably because there isn't one around here. Maybe ten minutes away.

"Couteau-y! Ov'a here!" I hear my last name echo in the room. I turn around, seeing a man smirking at me. He insulted my last name like how kids used to call it when I was little. And he is smirking like me like he wants me to punch him in the face.

I stomp over, standing in front of the table as I fold my arms.

This dude has tattoos up his neck and on and his hands and on his ripped black jeans I'm gonna guess he has them everywhere.

He stands, matching at my height.

"Ahh. Couteau-y! My big bro! I've been waiting to do this..." He rubs his hands together as he pats my shoulder. Then he yanks me in his arms as we hug.

This is awkward. Everyone is staring and some gawk.

"Wow...why are the gay men always hot?" I hear a girl whisper, and I shove him away.

"None of that gay shit. You and me need to talk seriously. I ain't your brother."

"But you are mate. Don't know why yo bein so difficult. Cooperate. Aren't you happy to see your lil'secret bro?"

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